Thursday, August 28, 2008

“Huggy Bear” in a new suit

Bill Clinton accidentally stumbled into the truth just like a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. When, “Bubba” referred to B. Hussein Osama as a, “Chicago thug” it was the closest Bill has been to the truth since….Hmmm, this might be Bill’s first truth, atta boy Bill. There’s no change here, what we have is a typical Chicago politician. And trust me, I live in Illinois and can assure you no successful Chicago politico is uncorrupted. His Lord Obama, “the most merciful” is no different. By the way, this agent of change won his Illinois senatorial seat the old fashioned way, he cheated. Everyone knows that in Chicago the dead vote, sometimes twice. Shyster Obama waited until the twelfth hour to challenge the petitions of his three opponents and had them all disqualified. Now that’s change! To make the hop over to the United States senate the chosen one exhibited great creativity and political savvy, again, he cheated. Mysteriously his opponents, “Jim Ryan” “somehow, someway”, sealed divorce records found their way into the media, exposing some embarrassing details. Ryan was forced to resign from the race and a hurried replacement was too little too late. Gee, I’m starting to see a pattern here. Did I mention Osama’s community organizing was with, “ACORN”? Look them up, they’re fun people, they also vote for the dead.

Obama the prophet has shown some recent hope for change. When a Texas 527 group ran an ad pointing out the relationship with his bomb buddy, “Bill Ayers” in some local markets Obama his most merciful sent lawyers to the justice department demanding that FCC licensees be revoked, all involved arrested and spaketh in tongues damning all the participants to hell. He has since let it be known that access to the candidate will not be forthcoming were any news media to speaketh Bill Ayers name. You might say he made it a commandment. I’m just saying.

When Stanley Kurtz, National Review Online contributor, went on a local talk radio show in Chicago to talk about the recently released files of the Obama and Ayers foundation the e-mails from the Obama campaign had already been sent. The radio station was overwhelmed with phone calls from all over the country. The e-mails Osama sent out to his, “Night of the living dead” followers were a script to read when they called. No one argued Kurtz’s facts; all the callers said they didn’t want to hear this anymore. The station manager got a call from an Obama attorney and a call was placed to the justice department and the FCC.

Isn’t this just a bit scary? Can you imagine what life will be like for the opponents of Osama if he becomes president? Look, Clinton was bad enough but this guy is downright frightening. I don’t care which side of the political spectrum you currently abide within, we all believe in free speech; don’t we?

Conservative Springfield 28AUG08

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