Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why Do Blacks Vote Democrat?

With my enormous intelligence I just don’t get it, at all. Well, maybe I do, yet it makes little sense. Why is it that a full 90% of Blacks, “African Americans” whatever in the hell is the politically correct nomenclature, why oh why is it that, in lockstep they vote democrat? Historically it is incomprehensible. It was the northern founders, “the soon to be republicans” who argued against slavery. It was these men who included within our constitution that blacks be counted as 3/5ths of a man, not to denigrate them, but to lessen the influence of southern congressional delegates as delegates were applied, based upon census. Counting blacks as only 3/5ths of a man lowered the southern census and by law lowered the amount of southern delegates to the continental congress. It always comes down to math doesn’t it? Fast forward to 1861, it was Lincoln, a republican who signed the emancipation proclamation and sent 600,000 souls to the Promised Land to end this abhorrent custom known as slavery. Let’s keep moving forward, in 1964 President Lyndon Johnson, attempting to fulfill one of John F. Kennedy’s campaign promises had to go to the republicans in congress to get his civil rights legislation passed. Most democrats opposed this legislation and many even attempted a filibuster. Wait a minute; I left something out that just might offer some insight into this phenomena. It was also Lyndon Johnson who began the great society. For those of you unfamiliar with this historical concept, you have me, all knowing, and all telling. The great society brought us welfare, food stamps, public housing and affirmative action. All sweetness and light, right? Not so fast Fred. What this social engineering did was to replace the father in minority families with the government. And, by making poverty just comfortable enough they encouraged its continuance.

So, there it is, the democrats bought the Black vote and continue to do so. Ponder this, the African American unwed mother percentages were 22% in the 1960’s. Today they hover around 70%. One might argue that this dependence on government is intentional; it is the umbilical cord to the Democrat Party that perpetuates poverty and need. Further, it is a national disgrace.

Add to this formulaic fettering of a disadvantaged minority demographic the general practice of the leftists prone to punishing success and promoting schadenfreude among the great unwashed as if to say; we’ve screwed the rich, just for you. While, all the numerical data collected correctly posits that a mere one percent of the wealthy inherited their wealth. The rest of the rich earned it, the old fashioned way.

This is the inarguable position of conservatives, we believe success should be rewarded and those in poverty should not be made just comfortable enough to exist in it but should be encouraged to run from it. They need to hear from their leaders that in this country they can go as far as their ability, aptitude and ambition can take them. Instead, what they hear from the black leadership is there isn’t a level playing field. Conservatives would rather raise people from poverty than punish success.

An apt parable would be the child that never leaves the nest and is never pushed from it. I’m just saying….

Conservative Springfield 08AUG08

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