Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dentures for Dogs

This health care debate makes about as much sense as O.J. Simpson selling cutlery or Jessica Simpson touting the virtues of marriage before sex. Meanwhile, the Bamster is fretting over the health insurance of people he’s never met; much less gives a damn about while bad mouthing hard working cops and texting gang signs to his Harvard professor.

Look; this isn’t advanced calculus or even ought and ought is ought in Bodine’s math. Kenyan born weasel, “the Bamster” intends to add forty million gypsies, tramps and thieves to the rolls of the fully insured thus taxing an industry already overwhelmed.

Simple economics 101 would tell us that increasing demand for healthcare whilst the supply remains static must starkly increase the costs. There are a finite number of medical professionals, a static number; yet Mohammed Obama intends to assault the profession with dynamic extrapolations.

And…you just know, with the all-caring, compassionate, oafish Democrats the public option for healthcare insurance will provide coverage for everything from condom dispensation, “along with the appropriate color coding” surgical hangnail clipping for homeless winos, bikini waxes, pimple popping, personal self-esteem counseling, gold teeth for gangsters from the hood, Spanish lessons for pre-school tots, neck rubs, back scratches, sponge baths, diaper rash, addadicktomes’, chopadickoffofmes’, to breast augmentation and dentures for dogs.

Never mind that instituting this asinine apothecary behemoth would add $10 trillion dollars to our national debt over the next ten years for a cumulative total of a mere pittance $21 trillion dollars, “over drawn” from countries that actually hate us.

Keeping in mind the indemnity interest on $21 trillion dollars will require every man, woman and child to work ten full time jobs and remunerate 200% of their gross income to uncle Sam-Bamster and quite possibly forced to sell our blood to the Chinese by the tanker full…just to pay the friggin interest!

Just as disturbing as Idi Amin Obama trying to destroy his adopted country with Socialized healthcare is how he has set about doing so and the methods he has employed.

After all; this isn’t simply Chicago politics…Oh no…Obama is Tony Soprano on steroids. First Obama went after the doctors. He threatened the AMA with dwindling reimbursement rates and bought-off the cabal of doctors in the AMA hierarchy that he couldn’t scare. Good thing Treasury Secretary Timmy, “got-rocks” has an extra $700 billion burning a hole in his pocket for just such occasions. By the way; the American Medical Association signed on to Obama’s healthcare reform despite doctors across the fruited plain opposing the Presidents plan 9 to 1.

Though…under the Bamster’s plan, senior citizens would be Soylent Green, for some odd reason the AARP has signed on to OBAMACARE. Pay no attention to the Lamborghinis being ordered by top AARP staffers and the $5 billion dollars they have been promised in stimulus money. Just a coincidence I’m sure. Move along; nothing to see here.

Let’s move on to the mega-insurance companies that have grudgingly bent over and grabbed their ankles for OBAMACARE. One might wonder why medical insurance providers would willingly walk the plank for this Barry-come-lately. Fair question…Obama et al. has promised them a seat at the table… Little do they know they are on the menu.

The Bamster is making everyone involved an offer they can’t refuse…all the while indebting children yet to be born. How’s that hope and change working out for ya so far?

Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Porky Pig; on a Spit!!!

A few weeks ago I trekked off to Kentucky for my granddaughters’, daughters’ and wife’s birthday. A good time was had by all, yet I left there with an insight; one every American should ponder. Upon arriving, “fairly late Saturday night” I and my son in law had to prepare for the bountiful feast planned for the next evening. So…naturally; my son-in-law Brandon drove the old tractor around to the Hog pen while I readied a slipknot on the end of a long rope. Brandon then boxed in, “Dinner” as I looped the knot over the swine’s back-foot and in road gear, “pork chop” Brandon and I were off to a large tree where a chain hoist had been readied,…various lights, sharp objects and quantities of adult beverages lay at the ready…along with the rifle that would dispatch Porky off to the promised mud-wallow.
Needless to say, “though I will anyway” by mid-afternoon the grill was crackling, the smell of pork was in the air and God smiled on our little party with his great bounty.
We were self-sufficient, self adorned and unselfishly centered. We ate, we drank, we smoked and we laughed. And…not one government entity added an element to our display. We were the rugged individuals born of our forefathers.
Yet…I wondered; how great of the American demographic could abide such a living…or would. Today, we live in a Dr. Phil, Oprah world. A CFL light bulb, no smoking, fat assed, lazy Susan society. In short; we’ve become fat, sassy and nannied to death by our government…for our own good. This lifestyle has become us as a detriment to our heritage, our birthright.
America was founded on rugged individualism, on a can-do, kick-ass, spirit embodied in those men that sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their scared honor that we might be free in a country, divinely inspired.
Now we can’t get off our wrinkled asses, dust the Cheetos off of our hands and waddle to the magic picture box to change the channel from, “Queer Eye For the Straight Guy” back to Oprah in time to miss the commercial.
We have gotten so damn lazy that we cannot put down the Xbox controller long enough to administer justice to the autocrats that have usurped our constitution and soiled the memory of those that founded this historic country.
I mean dammit; really, even you lackluster liberals cannot be happy with the government we are oppressed by. After a nanosecond in the cesspool that is Washington every damn politician is infected. So…they come to expect the free haircuts, the free shoeshine’s, the expense account, the royal health insurance, the full retirement after only one term, the free trips, the free money, the jets, the free suits, the interns, and so on.
They object to abject public service, though they extol it as virtuous. And…they set to feathering their own nest whilst absconding with the trust of their constituents.
Moreover; they set about constructing laws for our own good. As if they know better.
The lives of Americans no longer embody rugged individualism. That is now prohibited, by OSHA, the EPA or some other such governmental edict. No small loss when you consider the freedoms we have surrendered.
A quick search informed me that my weekend, “hog” butchering violated several state and federal laws and regulations. But then; I don’t abide a government for my protection. After all, the people should never fear their government; the government should fear the people.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs

To be honest; I had to be dragged, kicking and screaming into this latest postulation. After all, though I have the aptitude to construct any literary composition into unqualified brilliance; an intellectual honesty requires of me passionate fidelity to educated honesty.

To wit; on the back burner of my slothful and mostly incompetent staff, “excluding the hard work and diligence of Travis” has slowly simmered the relationship between the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs. Thankfully Glenn Beck and company jogged my memory with a half-hearted attempt at explaining this incestuous cabal and prompted the beating of said staffers into action.

Yet, make no mistake; there belies a panoply of career risks to the author. Because, as everyone knows, we evil conservatives are all protecting of malevolent mega-corporations. And…explaining economics to the 54% of thumb sucking, Oprah watching, wine cooler drinking, quiche baking, sushi eating, and tweed jacket twerps that voted for the Bamster. It’s akin to explaining the shrinkage of space as the speed of light is approached to monkey eating Mubuti pygmies.

Still; I try. Most oft misunderstood is the relationship between Goldman and the Fed. The general thought is that of a symbiotic, incestuous convergence of like minded money grabbers. Not so Skippy; Goldman Sachs is the Federal Reserve…and visa versa.

Let us begin at the most recent history. On September 15th 2008, in the span of three hours, someone(s) or some financial enmity entity began, “cashing out” $billions of dollars in the equity markets. {The market in which shares are issued and traded, either through exchanges or over-the-counter markets. Also known as the stock market, it is one of the most vital areas of a market economy because it gives companies access to capital and investors a slice of ownership in a company with the potential to realize gains based on its future performance} In just over three hours over $500 billion dollars was removed from the markets causing gentle Ben Bernake, “former Goldman executive” and chairman of the Federal Reserve along with the treasury secretary Hank Paulson, “former Goldman Sachs CEO” to rush into President Bush’s office, flushed and panting, hair on fire, well…scalp on fire and frantically inform the President that the American way of life would end by the close of that days business unless these two hair club for men rejects could infuse the capital markets with $trillions of dollars, jiffy quick. In an unrelated story; the presidential campaign, on that day, for some odd reason, changed. The most pressing of issues had been the war in Iraq…yet; now the economy and its certain demise became most topical and pressing. Advantage Democrat and one Kenya native…you guessed it, Barry the Bolshevik.

Most prevalent in the fiduciary school of thought is that a scheme this enormous had to have been orchestrated by a government. Most postulated was a Saudi cabal or a Russian conspiracy. Yet…overlooked was the influence of Goldman and its infinite access to capital via the Feds discount window. The simplest evidence is that most often overlooked. On that day, “September 15th, 2008” Goldman executed just over 46,000,000 trades. In a completely unrelated story a former Goldman Sachs employee was recently released on bond for stealing computer code that allowed for such massive trading. Bloomberg news reported that the prosecutor alleged that were this code to be used by any corporate interest, “other than Goldman” it could wreak havoc on the markets and open the possibility of mischief in the markets. Bloomberg reports, “The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,” Facciponti said, “according to a recording of the hearing made public yesterday”. “The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who else has access to it.” Yet, though others, using this software could manipulate the markets…nah, Goldman wouldn’t think of such malevolence. Still, they did just post $3billion dollars in profit during the largest downturn in the American economy since the great depression… Just a coincidence, to be sure.

The Flushing of our Economy

Never mind that the pin-prick in the housing bubble came from Goldman, and the free money policies of the Fed exacerbated an oligarchy committed to, “moving on up” the Jefferson’s into homes they could never afford. The gist of the pseudo-governmental groin kick to Wall Street was the hands-off, no nonsense approach to capitalism that allowed Lehman Bros. to fail, Bear Stearns to go belly up and left AIG in the lurch. In an unrelated story, Lehman and Bear Stearns were the only competitors of Goldman Sachs and AIG was indebted to Goldman to the tune of $13 Billion dollars. So…naturally, Lehman and Bear were allowed to fail; AIG was secretly bailed out with the proviso that Goldman was to be paid their $13 billion before the ink was dry from the treasury debit card transaction, via the Fed.

Strange Bedfellows

Never mind that the new, “must have, right now” treasury secretary, little Timmy Geithner, former New York Federal Reserve chief and former Goldman Sachs executive jumped on the nearest soapbox in a declarative statement opined that AIG represented a systemic risk, and must be saved. He then proceeded to tank AIG as insolvent and pursued the paying of debtors, first and foremost, Goldman Sachs.

AIG, “American International Group” mostly an insurer of state risks, credit defaults and chicken thieves was extended $ 113 billion dollars to basically do what the treasury and the Federal Reserve could not. That is, infuse their holders of debt with genuine greenbacks. AIG was never too big to fail; it simply owed money to those who would make you an offer that you could never refuse.

The Metamorphosis

Goldman Sachs, as a company, a corporation; since its inception from a Jewish-German immigrant founder has been an investment bank… or more simply put; a speculator of equity markets… has come a long way. They have entwined themselves so indecently with the Fed as to question where one ends and the other begins. They have access to economic data, “via the fed” that allows them to trade in milliseconds and leave perplexed the Wall Street laggards that exalt them as the second coming.

In the United States House of Representatives over 200 elected leeches have signed on to a bill that would require the Federal Reserve to open their books and be the transparent governmental sponsored entity that B. Hussein Bamster’s teleprompter promised we would have. Yet; the Democrat leadership will not allow a floor vote. Democrats and Republicans a like have demanded that little Timmy Geithner account for $Two Trillion dollars that have yet been spent, but unaccounted for.

This is a scam; Goldman has taken over the Fed with the acquiescence’s of the Fed, as they feed at the feet of Goldman Sachs. Not to mention that all of the players, minus ex-CEO of Goldman Hank Paulson, are former or current Goldman Sachs employees, of course none of this is related; only a coincidence.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

Monday, July 13, 2009

Liberalism Cannot Be Defended; I Dare You to Try !!!

Just recently, on this forum, two questions were posited for answer and perusal of those participants whose chose to participate. They were prescient questions deserving of an intelligent, thoughtful response. The two questions in question were these; what is a liberal and what is a conservative? The poster asked for well thought out, specific descriptions of the opposite ends of the political spectrum. As expected, as usual, I not only stepped up to the plate, I knocked it out of the park. I put on a blinding brilliance of literary composition rarely seen in human endeavor. {See my response below}
However, not one little, Lilliputian, liberal lackey bucked up, took the stage and dared to proffer a positive portrayal of the affliction that is modern liberalism. And, I think I know why. It would be much akin to pointing out the benefits of cancer.
Liberalism has no basis in fact, reason or sanity. It is unrealistic, antithetic to the principals and values this country was founded upon and requires the willing suspension of disbelief, “sound familiar?”
Liberals claim to believe in our constitution and derided George W. Bush for violating it by, “torturing” detainees currently living the good life at the renowned vacation retreat in the tropical paradise lovingly referred to as Club Gitmo.
Yet liberals are nuanced in their devotion to the constitution that we conservatives consider sacrosanct. They ignore section two and enumerated powers; they are blind to the tenth amendment limiting federal authority to only those enumerated powers.
If they were honest with themselves, “not bloody likely” they would admit this one truism that is the wooden stake in the heart of Looney liberalism, it is the silver bullet, the Ark of the Covenant. Our founders were conservative. This is inarguable and unassailable. This country was founded on the principals of conservatism and our founding documents reflect that; without doubt. It’s all there, in the words of those brave men whom bore this country. Read them, learn them and then; “if you dare”, argue your liberal point of view and open yourself up to be rhetorically dragged behind my smoke belching SUV, flailing in you flawed ideology. So, let’s just light this firecracker. Liberalism is a false premise and cannot be defended, that’s why no one even tried. Liberalism is the most spineless, yellow-bellied ideology one can ascribe to. It requires no critical thinking or workable solutions. One needs only to appear compassionate.
And there is the crux of the malady known as liberalism. It’s all about feelings. These tweed jackets, pseudo-intellectuals glom on to every Oprah moment to come down the pike and then smugly look down their bifocals at the rest of the great unwashed as characters from Deliverance. Yet; not one damn thing these dust bunnies have ever put forth works. Take the war on poverty; for instance. Since 1964 we have transferred $12TRILLION dollars from the haves, to the have not’s. Yet poverty levels haven’t decreased. We’ve only succeeded in insuring every Joe-No-Lunchbox has a flat screen television in his hovel. Liberals demanded sex education in our public schools. So… what happened? Well; we now have a society where the only virgins are ugly sixth graders and teachers not only teach sex but also turn down the lights and put on Sinatra for their students. The good news is that even though little Suzy is squeezing out her twelfth rug rat those food stamps will keep on coming. Thanks to liberals. Still; we mustn’t examine the outcomes of liberal policies; oh no, we must only focus on their good intentions. Well; spank my ass and call me Judy. I’m done with letting you liberals set the premise and change the measure of success.
You liberal piles of steaming excrement deserve both barrels and I’ve got an itchy trigger finger. In other words; it’s time to barbeque some ass and I’ve got the spit.

1.The energy crisis is your fault. Environmentalists, tree hugging, “arbor perverts” and your PETA pal pundits have blocked, at every turn, our effort to drill in ANWAR, off of our coasts and anywhere we might conceivably increase supply. You have blocked the construction of fuel refineries. Your useful idiots in the, “Sierra Club” have shut down or halted more coal mines and coal power plants than can be counted using basic math. You and your ilk have sued in federal court to halt the construction of nuclear power plants and when you are successful, in doing so, you run to your homes to watch Jane Fonda’s overacting performance in, “The China Syndrome”. And you weep. Well, let me be succinct and blaring. Get over it. We have more oil in this country and off of our coasts than is present in the entire Middle East. We are the Saudi Arabia of coal. We have the greatest nuclear technology in the world. We have more natural gas in this country than all of the hot air you’ve been bellowing for forty years.

2.You are the racists, sexists, bigots and homophobes. It is you leftists who categorize people into groups and then attempt to make them victims. Conservatives don’t give a rat’s rear end about a person’s skin color, their sex or what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms. You left leaning, Leninist liars have taken three of our conservative dictums and completely perverted them. That being the diabolical divergence of affirmative action, our rigidity against gay marriage and our opposition to abortion. My over active grey matter can easily portray these vapid portrayals for the inept pronouncements they are. For those of you being literarily dazzled I have a question, a most prescient one; how much time have you spent lately thinking about my sex life? That’s how much I spent thinking about yours. If you want to be gay, be gay. Marriage however, is a time honored tradition and shouldn’t be adulterated. Affirmative action; we are all created equal. No one should be granted special rights, “or denied them” because of any distinguishing identifier. Abortion; Find a general right to privacy in our constitution and we can talk. The Supreme Court cannot, out of whole cloth, enumerate constitutional text. We’ll throw in that pesky moral dilemma for good measure.

3.It is you that has cheapened what our founders born. Were it so, that the founders of this country existed today, I’m just saying; There would be a lot of liberals, limply lying at the end of a short rope strung from a tall tree. The constitution you so readily hide behind when spouting your socialist rhetoric is the same constitution you treat as, “Charmin” three ply when you stumble across text you find disagreeable. You cite the separation of church and state, where one does not exist. You support limitations on our second amendment. The bastardization of our tenth amendment has your fingerprints all over it. You demand more and more from federal government instead of abiding personal responsibly and rugged individualism. Reflect, if you dare and ponder this; were our founders conservative or liberal? Genuine reflection should make you reach for pharmaceuticals in vast quantities. Prozac anyone?

4.For what you have done to our children there will be a special place in hell. Loony liberals have been running our educational system for 40 years. Juxtapose that statistic with our falling international scholastic test scores America and her children have long endured. The liberal educational system is but one of the few endeavors wherein we accept greater and greater financing without positive result. In Washington D.C. the taxpayers fund each student to the sum of $25,000.00 per student, per year. Yet, 50% still do not graduate. We are told, more money is needed, while, in truth, what is needed is to run these liberal, tweed jacket nerds into the ocean, at high tide. I have a deep faith Mr. Jefferson would approve.

5.You despise the poor. You must, look what you have done to them. The war on poverty began in 1964 by the real idiot from Texas. Trumpeted by leftists it has decimated inner cities and many small towns. You have taken from those you’ve sought to help all self sufficiency, independence, self reliance and dignity god gave them. You have made poverty just comfortable enough to abide in. Benjamin Franklin said that poverty should be uncomfortable and people should be run from it. You have made poverty cozy, ensuring it will be endured.

6.If it’s broken, you broke it. The listing of your liberal transgressions is endless. That statement is all encompassing and meant to be so. By nature, conservatives have a deep reverence for our constitution, for the sacrifice of our founders, for American exceptionalism, manifest destiny and hold unshakable beliefs that God so endowed this country. So, by default, if it’s broken, liberals broke it. Happy Trails.

Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for “We the People”, citizens of this great nation the United States, to petition our elected officials, for redress of grievances, which include the persistent infringement by those officials upon our individual, God given, natural, unalienable rights, including “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” - codified by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights - and where many among our civil servants, whom have taken the oath of office, “freely and without mental reservation” to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” and to fairly represent the business of the people, but have instead violated that pledge, it is incumbent upon that aggrieved citizenry to declare their grievances and to withhold their consent to be thus unfairly represented and capriciously governed until such grievances have been heard and properly redressed.

1. Grievance; America was constitutionally constituted as a representative republic, not the Oligarchy we are spoon fed by the elitist, pompous idiots that have matriculated their way into power. We see the term in print and hear it on the air. But what exactly does the term “Citizen Politician” mean? To me it defines a person who is a citizen first and then a politician. It is someone with a family, a job and ties to a community who decides he would like to serve for a time in the political arena for the betterment of that community. To do so he takes a temporary leave from his position, knowing he will serve for a limited time and then return to his regular duties when his term is over. Yet; now we abide career politicians. Slackers who, “more often than not” have never held a job outside of government and much like young Oliver Twist stand before the American people asking for more. When in fact these barnacles upon liberty have more perks than Folgers. Today, Members of the United States Congress enjoy a vast web of perquisites that benefit them personally as well as professionally, including:
•Comfortable salaries that, “are often” determined through legislative sleight-of-hand. Contrary to the arguments of many Washington "insiders," the cost of living has rarely eroded the historical value of lawmakers' pay, which on a constant-dollar basis is hovering near the postwar high.
•Pension benefits that are two to three times more generous than those offered in the private sector for similarly-salaried executives. Taxpayers directly cover at least 80 percent of this costly plan. Congressional pensions are also inflation-protected, a feature that fewer than 1 in 10 private plans offer.
•Health and life insurance, approximately 3/4 and 1/3 of whose costs, respectively, are subsidized by taxpayers.
•Wheeled perks, including limousines for senior Members, prized parking spaces on Capitol Hill, and choice spots at Washington's two major airports.
•Travel to far-flung destinations as well as to home states and districts. Despite recent attempts to toughen gift and travel rules, "junkets" are still readily available prerogatives for many Members.
•A wide range of smaller perks that have defied reform efforts, from cut-rate health clubs to fine furnishings.
But the very nature of public office itself demands a more comprehensive definition of a "perk" than that normally applied to corporate America. Members of Congress can also wield official powers that allow them to continue to enjoy the personal benefits outlined above, such as:
•The franking privilege, which gives lawmakers millions in tax dollars to create a favorable public image. Experts across the political spectrum have labeled the frank as an unfair electioneering tool. In past election cycles, Congressional incumbents have spent as much on franking alone as challengers have spent on their entire campaigns.
•An office staff that performs "constituent services" and doles out pork-barrel spending, providing more opportunities for "favors" that can be returned only at election time.
•Exemptions and immunities from tax, pension, and other laws that burden private citizens -- all crafted by lawmakers themselves. "[T]he arrogance of officialdom should be tempered
and controlled."
Cicero, 63 B.C.
2.Grievance; our founders envisioned a republic wherein individual freedoms were paramount and federal influence in the lives of the citizenry was very limited. And; by limited they meant practically non-existent. Yet; we are encumbered by an oppressive bureaucracy that nannies we the people, for our own good. Ronald Reagan said; “I don’t believe in a government that protects us from ourselves”. Still; from the right and left we are so oft tied to a plethora of governmental regulations much like Gulliver’s entanglements… compliments of the Lilliputians. We are told where we can smoke, what foods we can eat, how much carbon we can dispense, how much of our earned income we can recompense for our families, the storage capacity of our toilets, OSHA, the EPA, the NIE, the NIH, limits on agricultural production and a myriad of federal regulations that, “by design” adulterate our constitution and the freedoms guaranteed within its text.
Grievance; "To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem [good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves." --Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820. ME 15:277. In a representative republic we have allowed five Elmer Fudds in black robes to subjugate the will of the people. Think about it; five, unelected, unrepresentative, appointed legal beagles have within their purview the fate of 330 million people. And… encapsulated within the realm of a semi-democracy, or so they say.
3.Grievance; this conundrum is A-political. The American electorate has too often been bifurcated by the two propionate political parties. They have stirred the pot of political discourse and advanced the uncivil war between demographic right and left. Whilst they anchor the hatred between liberal V. conservative, with slight of hand populace America fails to see what is up their corrupt sleeve. And; were their actions truly rated, by a discerning eye, America as a whole would vomit at the corruption on both sides. This is not a government of the people. Congress looks out across the fruited plain and see’s sheep to be sheared.
4.Grievance; In Washington what we have here is a failure to communicate. Elected aristocracy see not themselves as servants of the people; instead they have assumed royalty and expect their crown. Whilst America pays the piper for these moguls of hedonism.
5.Our constitution requires congress to abide a petition of grievance. So…here it is. Take heed you fat and sassy Oligarchs. Be on notice. For we are coming. From the right and left we begin this march. And…the constitution is our bulwark, our just cause. Today we declare our independence.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday America; It is our Last

I can’t help feeling that we are quite simply reaping what we have sown. For we have taken the gift that is America, “paid for in blood by patriots” and adulterated it beyond all recognition. We have inherited the dreams and aspirations of those founders only to squander them as irrelevant or antiquated.
Apparently we have a majority of citizens ready to willingly embrace socialism when it was capitalism combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of ordinary people most responsible for American exceptionalism. In just over two hundred years we, as a country, have bested the rest of the world in every form of human endeavor. We have the highest standard of living known to man. For all of the hyperbolic hyperbole about poverty across these fruited plains even the supposed impoverished are fat and happy mired in their muck. We have six billion people weighing down this orb and more than half of them do so without such luxuries as electricity and running water. And yet we complain and demand change.
What has spoiled this country is the separation from those founders, from their ideals combined with our tepid faith in our constitution and God. John Adam’s said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion”. “Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other”.

Until 1948 the bible and God was an integral component in the rearing and education of America’s youth. 1949 stands out as the first year of a decline in scholastic achievement.
Speak to anyone of public school matriculation and, on balance, the most favored response to religion in the classroom is the oft repeated separation of church and state. Yet, no such language exists in our founding documents and those who bore this country couldn’t imagine a populace so ill informed as to the bible and the word of God.
Still, highlighted in this misconception is the apt labeling of an ill informed electorate as to the content and context of our founding documents; the cornerstone of this representative republic.

It is saddening to realize that those men, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, et al, pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to foster a country now inhabited by spoiled children willing to follow the latest pied piper into an ideology that has miserably failed every time it’s been tried.
The tenets of socialism are directly proportional to our national debt, our porous borders, our entitlement mentality, the current financial crisis, our bloated bureaucracy, abortion, gay marriage and the rapid moral and social decay infecting the body whole that is America. Now, it seems, the great unwashed residing in this divinely inspired republic is desirous to not only dip their respective feet in the communal socialist pool but jump head first off the high dive and become totally immersed. This only confirms a suspicion I’ve held for some time; Mr. Adam’s was right. Without religion and morality our constitution survives not. However, in another sense, perverted as it is, it is only common sense. After all, checkers sells more than chess. And I can’t recall the last time I gazed upon the New York Times best seller list and recognized the King James edition of our Holy Bible gracing that population.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury, “Think Barry’s BBQ ribs in every pot and home ownership for deadbeats”. “The resulting democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy and is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two-hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again into bondage.”

—Alexander Fraser Tyler, 1700 Quotation found in SYNERGY Server [Note: The Professor wrote about the fall of the Athenian republic over a thousand years ago this when America was a British colony.]

Authors Note ** We are not abiding a Democracy; Our government is a representative republic gone mad.

I continue this most prescient posit quoting Professor Tyler primarily for his profound ability to stand askance as to the execution of government when the enumerated powers loaned to the federal government are ignored and or adulterated. Thomas Paine, “the Rush Limbaugh of his time” said, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one”. This is the state of governance we are compelled to tolerate and endure.

“[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” — James Madison, {general author of our constitution}

“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” — Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

These quotes from our founders; “whom I believe were rooted in divine inspiration” have been totally filed under, “I” for irrelevant and looked upon by our present day congress and the executive branch as merely a super sized roll of Charmin® three ply in the same men’s room formerly occupied by the toe tapping, wide stance Senator from Idaho; A.K.A Larry, “men seeking men” Craigslist aficionado.

James Madison said, “and I paraphrase” that the text of our constitution specifically states that no where in that document was there a codicil or even the inference that our federal government has purview over the distribution of charity; Or taking income from those engaged in productivity and transferring it to baby machines and winos whose preference is to suckle at the teat of earners.

After all; it was James Madison who actually wrote the constitution with the help of Thomas Paine; thus answering once and for all the intent of this sacred parchment.

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” — Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

Abraham Lincoln, “the object of Barry’s man crush” also had thoughts about spreading the wealth, though his thoughts were diametrically opposed to the temporary lease holder of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties”.-President Abraham Lincoln.

As the ratings for the Obama sitcom dwarf those of American Idol; thanks in large part to the Presidents decisions to close club Gitmo and relocate its clients to a halfway house in Crawford Texas, while rescinding the water sports portion of their daily entertainment and limiting the questioning of these misunderstood, peaceful reformers, “ who accidentally go BOOM” on occasion to, “ how can we make you more comfortable” or “ would you like President Obama to sign your Koran” ? We the people are treated to an administration most reminiscent of a three stooges re-run…Nyuk, Nyuk!

Meanwhile; back at the White House, “where the black guy lives”, Obama spends most of his time rating female interns from 1-10 yet, has found time to jimmy the government cash register and pilfer $1 gazillion greenbacks to finance Ass Chaps on Rabid Nuts, or “ACORN”. Abortions for European cheerleaders, their mothers, unwed sheep and that mother in California that just gave birth to eight children; now possessing a football team, complete with backups.

And; as Obama plays Santa Clause for every mega-liberal wet dream, he intends to pay for this shopping spree by placing his picture on the dollar bill and stenciling in twelve zeros next to the $1. That and combining his fight against obesity by taxing Americans by the pound, sending jackbooted IRS thugs out to literally make change by hoisting citizens by their ankles and shaking them; dislodging the change from their pockets, appointing Bernie Made-off as confiscator of wealth from the wealthy, changing the mission of the peace corps to picking up aluminum cans, unionizing the homeless, taxing sex by the inch, “Democrats would be allowed to estimate” taxing children’s allowances and playing the lottery. I’m reminded of the words of very wise men and their thoughts on taxes.

“I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
—Winston Churchill

“I cannot find any authority in the Constitution for public charity. [To approve such spending] would be contrary to the letter and the spirit of the Constitution and subversive to the whole theory upon which the Union of these States is founded.”
—President Franklin Pierce (1854)

“Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built”.- Abraham Lincoln

So why the historical perspective, why the history of those great men who not only conceived this document, “our constitution” a document we conservatives consider to be divinely inspired and sacrosanct; A document that these great men pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, under the penalty of death? Why? Because my friends it is being dismantled, one section at a time, under our very noses.

Sadly; we have become a politically correct, Oprah watching, spoiled, fat, sassy, entitled, lazy, sappy, microwaveable, remote control, blasphemous, fast food, Hollywood worshiping, selfish, non-voting, politically illiterate, government dependent, credit card, sub-prime, ignorant sheep. Quick; what is enumerated in our tenth amendment? What are the names of all nine Supreme Court justices?

These questions were put to a cross section of college seniors with predictable results. Less than 10% could name even five justices, less than 1% could paraphrase our tenth amendment. None of the participants could give even a basic explanation of economics.

Perhaps it’s just my conspiracy, black helicopter, and grassy knoll, nature that believes this is but coincidental and arbitrary. Though, After all; were our founding documents ingrained into our young skulls full of mush, along with a basic understanding of economic principals; the democrat party would be extinct and exhibits of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, ET. Al., would be featured in the Smithsonian next to the Neanderthals.

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power”. - Thomas Jefferson

The Rhetorical dagger I most often use when skewering you Lilliputian, liberal, bootlicking lackey loons from the left as I Lionize conservatives and belittle the salmonella tainted, peanut size frontal lobes possessed by you water head, short buss, Forrest Gump’s, Is simply common sense combined with my inherent, unequaled, unqualified brilliance.

Even with your diminished liberal mental faculties; I have but one question for you Special ED, Special Olympics Flunkies. And; it is this. Even taken for granted that the majority of you lack of the gray matter to form a coherent thought, tie your shoes or chew gum at the same time you must accept the gold standard of substantive recumbentibus pertinent thelemic freedoms that we are indeed endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights that do not come from government; but no, our rights are God Given and simply loaned to government as a temporary note. And that note is rapidly becoming due.

Meaning; what government hasn’t the authority so enumerated to that body in the text of the constitution, they have not the authority to exercise. There is no federal, constitutional, powers which would allow government to empower the treasury secretary to allocate funds, to collect earnings from one taxpayer and deliver them to a slackers, to regulate states exploration of energy, to bailout anyone or anything, to fund abortion, to set, “CAFÉ” standards, to fund education, to apply federal taxes to any goods or services, to regulate anything that does not involve a commercial dispute between the states, or the thousands of duties our federal government has taken upon itself.

Our constitution is clear and unambiguous. The federal government is charged with three and only three duties and is limited by the tenth amendment from straying into other legislative arenas. Those authorities are; to provide for a common defense, to negotiate international treaties and to settle disputes between the several states, only in the context of interstate commerce. All other governing responsibilities reside with the states.

These weren’t simply suggestions postulated by those great men whom born this country by sacrificing blood and treasure. No; our founders actually put quill to parchment and specifically enumerated those edicts as governing principals to be adhered to. And; lest there be any doubt they also affixed their John Hancock’s to that document and swore an oath to protect and defend the principals within the text. By the way; this is the same oath taken by our President and congressional representatives.

Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s time for those elected, spoiled, greedy corrupt bastards and bitches who have made a career out of screwing the people they are supposed to be working for, just maybe they should dust off the constitution and give it a look see. For those career politicians with the courage to do so I would expect a speedy resignation. For the document they swore to protect and defend, they have adulterated and defiled.

Recently I was asked, “Who wrote the U.S. constitution?” My reply was, “Governor Morris of Pennsylvania was put in charge of the committee to draft the final copy of the Constitution. Other men who had much to do with writing the Constitution included John Dickinson, Edmund Randolph, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and George Wythe.” Why they don’t matter? These men, “though competent” were scribes, merely 18th century Dictaphones. The more apt question, in my mind is, “who authored our constitution?”

How many high school graduates could answer that question? How many of you can? If you don’t know, you will soon, I’ll tell you. Before I do there are other, equally important things you should know.
Thomas Jefferson is widely credited with authoring the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was asked to write the declaration article in early June, 1776 and finished it in less than three weeks. Jefferson, along with 54 compatriots on a very hot day in July affixed their signatures to the document. It is widely known that Jefferson had an account at the tavern across the street from the Graff House, “Declaration Hall” an account that grew to some size even with Jefferson’s means. As Jefferson was a man endowed with a great moral character this tidbit in insightful. Jefferson knew that by authoring this document he was daring the British to hang him. Had they caught him they surely would have.
Thomas Jefferson finished his document and it was signed by the delegates on July 3, 1776. Don’t send me mail you history buffs. The signing was on the 3rd, it was printed on the 4th.
Jefferson and the signers declared that we should be a sovereign country. George Washington made it happen.

Born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman. He pursued two intertwined interests: military arts and western expansion. At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War. The next year, as an aide to Gen. Edward Braddock, he escaped injury although four bullets ripped his coat and two horses were shot from under him.
When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On July 3, 1775, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, he took command of his ill-trained troops and embarked upon a war that was to last six grueling years.

Washington had not the best temperament as a commander. He routinely ordered the whipping of troops in his command for insubordination and other infractions of military decorum. He was a hard man. What isn’t widely known is that Washington personally financed, to the extent possible much of the expenses incurred by the continental army. Washington suffered many a demoralizing defeat at the hands of the British and caused Thomas Paine, “the Rush Limbaugh of his time” to write, "These are the times that try men's souls." The deciding battle came as Washington crossed the Delaware to surprise the Hessians. It was a bold act and energized the continental army and our country. The rest is history.
George Washington secured our sovereignty yet not our freedom. Our constitution did so, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The Virginian version of our constitution was authored by James Madison whom later became our fourth president and commander in chief during the war of 1812. Madison worked most directly with Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and John Adams in the construction of our constitution as we know it.
Our constitution was created with the declaration in mind, that we are endowed by our creator. In literary form it is practically without fault, an inspired document.
All of this historical documentation leads me to ask a question, a pertinent one. Were it possible to know, what would the framers and those that fought for this countries sovereignty and freedoms think if they could witness the functioning state of the country they born?

Our framers envisioned a country whereupon rugged individualism and personal freedoms made us distinctly dissimilar and exceptional. In the Federalists paper # 39 James Madison describes the difference between Federalism and nationalism. He noted, “That it will be a federal and not a national act, as these terms are understood by the objectors; the act of the people, as forming so many independent States, not as forming one aggregate nation, is obvious from this single consideration, that it is to result neither from the decision of a MAJORITY of the people of the Union, nor from that of a MAJORITY of the States. It must result from the UNANIMOUS assent of the several States that are parties to it, differing no otherwise from their ordinary assent than in its being expressed, not by the legislative authority, but by that of the people themselves. Were the people regarded in this transaction as forming one nation, the will of the majority of the whole people of the United States would bind the minority, in the same manner as the majority in each State must bind the minority; and the will of the majority must be determined either by a comparison of the individual votes, or by considering the will of the majority of the States as evidence of the will of a majority of the people of the United States. Neither of these rules has been adopted. Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a FEDERAL, and not a NATIONAL constitution.

What Madison so eloquently put forth is that we can all rally around a national flag yet; the power of our government must remain with the states.
My favorite amendment is the tenth. Wherein; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people.” Sadly, the tenth amendment has been adulterated by the commerce clause with attribution to the Supreme Court.
I’ll admit conscribing a return address that reads, “Illinois” is a hard sell wherein I conjoin with the 10th. Yet imagine this; our federal government is restricted to abiding by the constitution and the real legislative power belongs to the states as written by our framers. The results are states that actually have to compete for residents. If the tax burden in state X is too high you could move to state Y. If the job opportunities are greater in state X then state Y is in deep doo doo. As is, in a national form of government, “never intended by our founders” there is no escape.
I ask you again; what would our framers say?
George Washington served two terms and the country wanted to make him King. Though Mount Vernon lay in ruins Washington never drew a salary as president saying, “It is unseemly.” He retired from political life and died just three years later from throat cancer.

James Madison also died shortly after leaving office. “In a note opened after his death in 1836, he stated, "The advice nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions is that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated."
What would they think? Really, ask yourself. Is the form and substance of government we are today compelled to abide with the imaginings of those great men upon whose dreams for greatness we were founded? Ask yourself, and then ask those who have adulterated and obliterated the documents upon which we were founded. God Bless the framers…. Our elected officials we must currently abide should be ashamed and should ask themselves what I asked. What would the framers think?
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer