Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Liberal Presidents Destroy the World

Of course looking backwards in a historical perspective with a malevolent intent might be construed as engaging in schadenfreude yet we ignore history at our peril. As today the world bears witness to the Russian bear, out of their cage and once again doing what bears do to non-bears this would seem opportune in time and place to posit prescient, profound, paciferous, palaetiology panaesthesia. Yet, before I re-shape your opinion of a beloved and revered American let me first shine the bright light that is my immense intellect on the republic of Georgia and the naked message being boldly enunciated from the Kremlin. For those liberals in the audience, Atlanta’s safe, so far.

Russia’s message is as simple as it is dangerous, they’re back, they will do whatever they want and no one can stop them. Russia delivers to Europe 25% of their energy needs so think of it this way, Russia has become the landlord of Europe and the Europeans are merely squatters. American is engaged in the war on terror with the two major theaters being Iraq and Afghanistan. And, by the way, much of the warfare technology being used by these peace loving Muslims has the KGB seal of approval prominently plastered upon it. Russia has the misguided opinion that they can bed with terrorists in opposition to the west and then destroy them after they’ve outlived there usefulness. One might remind these Bolsheviks of the preponderance of evidence proving that when you dance with the devil; the devil doesn’t change, he changes you.

Russia is back in the black hat for one and just one reason; energy. The country is literally floating in light sweet crude and has more natural gas than Michael Moore after a large dinner at casa taco buffet. And, with the recent supply and demand issues causing a disproportional spike in energy prices, “thank-you democrats” they are now loaning God money.

So, with no real impediments, Russia will eventually re-take Georgia, “just for fun” but the real prize at the carnival is the Ukraine, the bread basket of the former soviet union. The supply of energy and especially the suppliers, at current market prices, will become the new world super powers and wield power and influence from sea to shiny sea and it is the intent of these boisterous Bolsheviks to corner the market, and return Russian pride where it belongs; in the ass pocket of one power hungry Vladamir Putin.

Now, for the historical perspective, one not often opined upon. One might argue, and I do, that were it not for the left leaning, communist loving, Franklin Delano Roosevelt the world as we know it would be a very different place indeed; and I don’t mean we would all be speaking German. What I am quite eloquently pondering upon is what if, just what if; Roosevelt had listened to General Patton and Prime Minister Churchill. Patton proffered in language that would have never received FCC approval today that, sooner or later we’re going to have to take on these bastards, “the Russians” and since we had the Army in Europe to do it, Why not just light that candle and get that party started?

Prime Minister Churchill advised Roosevelt; “at Yalta” not to give the Russians a damn thing, yet, Franky R. gave away Eastern Europe sentencing millions of people to death, gulags and the formation of the USSR. Lest we forget, had Roosevelt followed the advice of either of these men there would never have been a Soviet Union, a nuclear arms race, a fifty year cold war, Vietnam, the Cuban missile crisis, Cuban existence or the need for Ronald Reagan to put the bear back in the cage. But Roosevelt instead chose the advice of Alger Hiss, his most trusted advisor and later ousted as working for the communists by Richard Nixon. Now, the question is; can we ever cage this bear again?

Conservative Springfield 13Aug08

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