Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If there is a way to screw it up; Liberals will find it

Well, here we go again, the cold war between the United States and Russia is back on and we’re all out of Reagan’s. I’m going to make liberals heads explode when I correctly state it’s their fault, and I can prove it. William Jefferson Clinton, America’s favorite philanderer in chief gutted our military in the 90’s to half of its gulf war one levels. The Army was reduced from 900,000 to less than 400,000 troops. The other services also faced dramatic cuts and in the areas of procurement, research and development, funding was almost non-existent. The CIA met with a similar fate. So, what Reagan built up, Bubba tore down. This is probably the best explanation for us not sending the military into the country of Georgia and slapping the bat snot out of these Bolshevik bullies.

Before I continue spouting literary genius let me pause and positively destroy a liberal argument floating out there in the ether. These wackos have posited a point that they, “in their feeble minds” see as brilliant when in reality it only spotlights their lack of intellect and knowledge of history. It goes something like this; what gives us the right to denounce the Russian invasion of a sovereign country when we did the same thing in Iraq. Look folks, this is just too easy. In 1991 after we literally destroyed Iraq’s invincible million man army and Saddam begged us to stop, promising to be a good dictator, we signed a cease fire agreement with Iraq. There were several terms to that cease fire and over the years Saddam broke every damn one of them. Then there were those pesky 17 United Nations resolutions requiring Saddam to comply or face serious consequences. So, let’s close that book, we simply resumed the war of 1991 because Iraq had violated the terms of the cease fire, Get it?

Now, to Russia, and the return of the cold war, again, the fault of liberals. Russia has only rebuilt and rearmed because they are setting on a big pile of energy dollars delivered to them due to the high price of crude and natural gas, two commodities they have in great quantities. And, why are worldwide energy prices so high? America has approximately 3 trillion barrels of oil when you include Alaska, the outer continental shelf and oil shale, yet, we can’t get it. The democrats block at every turn our efforts to increase domestic energy production. They are trying to block the building of coal fired power plants yet fight tooth and nail to stop any new construction of nuclear plants. These are the same idiots who propose wind energy yet oppose the transmission lines needed to deliver that electricity.

Energy analysts opine that were we allowed to make use of our domestic resources the actual world price of a barrel of oil would be $60.00. At that price Russia would have remained a third world country with a fourth rate military. So thank-you democrats, if there’s a way to screw up the world, you’ll find it.

Conservative Springfield 21AUG08

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