Thursday, August 14, 2008

For the First Time in my Adult Life I am Ashamed of my Country

While the citizens of Georgia are being raped, tortured and murdered, American stands on the sidelines admonishing Russia that Vladamir Putin might not be invited back to Camp David for tea if he doesn’t slow down the genocide.

Just when in the Sam Hill did the United States of America agree to be neutered? I don’t remember a vote on that but my suspicions lead me to the utterance of Jimmy and Bill. You can fill in the blanks. And, before you liberals fire up those E-mails, where is the George Bush we were so proud of after 911? Where is that kick ass, “bring it on” cowboy America rallied around?

These people in Georgia are being slaughtered by the bushel and our response is to wag our finger and put on the face of stern disapproval. Look folks, Georgia is not only a democracy but they modeled their government after ours. Their president, Mikheil Saakashvili went to school in American and has never passed up an opportunity to praise us. His government even sent 2000 troops into Iraq. Now those troops are positioned just outside of the capitol city of T'bilisi staring into the barrels of Russian tanks, while we simply talk and talk.

Now we’re told by the, “experts” that we cannot afford to get into a shooting war with Russia. Well kiss my white American ass. We’re the friggin United States of America and there is nothing we cannot do if we put our mind to it. The country of Georgia is not only an ally, they are a friend.

We should have squadrons of F-16’s and F-22 Raptors in route to the Georgian capitol, we land them in the capitol city and we patrol the skies over it. Then we tell the Russians if they want a shooting war, bring it on.

Just when in the hell did we become a nation of Nancy’s? It’s time America put down her purse and man up. And dammit, don’t any of you defeatists tell me that America is incapable of fighting a war on three fronts, I.E. Iraq, Afghanistan and Georgia. Not after we puffed up our chest and took on Italy, Germany and Japan.

Here’s the problem, in that war we had men such as Patton, Bradley and Churchill and we were capable of being ruthless and doing the things it took to win a war. Today when we enter a war, half the country sides with our enemy, every soldier needs a lawyer and every enemy gets a lawyer for free.

If George Bush wants his legacy to reflect that of a great president he’ll get his ass out of the rose garden and do what should be done; come to the aid of a friend and an ally.

Conservative Springfield 15Aug08

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