Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Git yo Pitchfork and Fire up that Torch

I don’t know about you but doesn’t it seem like this political campaign is lasting longer than a bad movie? Actually, it is a bad movie. These aren’t campaigns; they’re carefully choreographed mini series. And, I’ve said it before; this is the best we can do out of 330 million people? Obama is a colossal example of a blithering idiot and McCain is as inspiring as acne. As a conservative all I can come up with is, “We are so screwed”.

We’re 57 trillion dollars in debt and in just a few short years we’ll be unable to even pay the interest on the debt. Yet, Barry, his most merciful has proposed more than a trillion dollars in new spending and McCain would probably tear down what fence we have on our southern border and put up the neon vacancy sign. Obama would appoint judges that would actually perform abortions in their courtroom and McCain might just nuke Canada by accident, searching for his preparation H. Honestly, do these two, in any way, make you think of Lincoln, Reagan, Jefferson or Washington? Just what the hell has gone wrong here? And yes, I will vote for McCain because socialism isn’t my cup of tea but dammit I don’t have to like it.

I’ve got a theory, actually a brilliant theory that I will now posit. I blame the educational system and most importantly the teachers union. In many of our large cities the dropout rate is 50% and those lucky nippers who actually matriculate through high school aren’t taught the history of this country, its founding principals, our founding documents and American exceptionalism. Their students have no historical perspective or interest. I also blame the politicians as a whole on both sides. Politicians have two jobs and neither one includes doing the right thing. They want to be re-elected and spend our money.

David Walker, ex-comptroller for the United Sates government said we have about five years before it’s too late and not one politician is doing a damn thing about it or will even speak of it. What this country is facing is biblical in proportion. What will happen will make the great depression look like a weekend at Bernie’s. Why you might ask; eagerly awaiting my response. Because, in 1929 America was more agricultural, more rural and many Americas could grow their own food. We are much more urban as a society.

I don’t see a way out, other than lighting our torches, grabbing our pitchforks and storming the Bastille. To quote Glenn Beck, “both parties are taking us to the same place, the democrats are taking us there in a jet and the republicans are taking us there in a slow train”.

I have a question, for those of you lucky enough to be reading this and it is prescient. Ask yourself this; do you think the founders of this country were conservative or liberal. Keep in mind they gave the federal government power to provide for a common defense, print a national currency and settle disputes between the states in the arena of interstate commerce, PERIOD. {Emphasis mine} They devised a system wherein we would have, “then 13”, now “50” states, or laboratories of democracy. States would compete and learn from one another. Today all of the power, “misplaced as it is” resides at the federal level and out of a 14 trillion dollar economy they take 3.3 trillion.

Congress routinely passes laws that exempt them, they come to Washington dirt poor and leave with U-Hauls full of cash and we take it in the shorts. And, less than half of the electorate votes. Perhaps Jefferson was right, every decade or so the tree that is freedom needs replenished with the blood of patriots.

Conservative Springfield 27 AUG08

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