Monday, March 30, 2009

The Jihad against Christianity

The straw dog put forth by the leftist sadist loons is that, “abiding solely within their ranks” is compassion for minorities, the oppressed and disenfranchised. Though; this beguiles their absolute mission to simply prostitute these groups in a quest to abolish the religious underpinnings this country was founded upon. Karl Marx once said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses”. It has been the ardent ambition of liberal progressives to detoxify America of all religious, “opiates” and to remove the moral handrails of the huddled masses.

Prior to the Roe V. Wade decision of 1973 progressives denied a religious or political perspective postulation on the subject of abortion. Their claim, “at that time” was that abortion was a constitutional issue, not a social conundrum to be left to the sway of the electorate over its properly elected representatives. And; thanks to a legislative Supreme Court, a finding of a general right to privacy in the constitution, “where ones does not exist”, emanations of penumbras along with a complete adulteration of our binding document; the right to an abortion became the law of the land, “though not one citizen voted for it”.

Then; before the ink had dried on the courts opinion, lying leftists leapt into action, “belying their true aspiration” by reversing previous posits on post conception as a legal argument and diametrically bemused that the slaughter of the un-born, “AK.A. Choice” is Social-Political speech. Expanding that vein the Neo-Leftists concluded that religious organizations espousing anti-abortion sentiments need lose their tax exempt tax status for exhibiting political preference. This tact being akin to Jeffrey Dahmer first saying, “I only killed them to eat them” and then saying, “I only ate them because they were dead”.

To this very day, lawsuits are worming their way throughout our courts as the ACLU, “the tip of the lefts spear” challenges the tax exempt status of the Catholic church because of their anti-abortion stance. It was never about abortion to these heathen hedonists. It was always an attack on religion.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. The Nazi Socialists that encompass our enemies on the left have been on the attack against religion for at least a hundred years; whether it is their pursuit of Darwinism, removing the bible from our classrooms, public squares and courtrooms to nativity scenes, crosses and a devilish zeal to belittle religious moorings in our pop culture.

Latest in the Lilliputian Leftists quiver is the rear attack; “pardon the pun” for the establishment of gay marriage. Their quest to legitimize gay marriage has little to do with gay rights, gay marriage or ass-less chaps. Their intent, their desire, their holy grail is to standardize gay marriage as the norm, the law of the land and to regard those that might oppose it on a societal or religious foundation as fringe, bigoted homophobic rubes.

Then they will proffer that those groups, “and religions” that might oppose a duly constructed right, under the law, ought not to be granted a tax exempt status as, “their opines… opinions” are now beyond the law and violate the separation of church and state. By the way; there is no separation of church and state abiding within the text of our constitution…I’m just saying.

Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 31MAR09

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Time to Panic

That tectonic tremble you felt yesterday was the nuclear option employed by the Federal Reserve in their latest attempt to save our economy. Not bloody likely mate! Here’s the funny part, at least from my QWERTY keyboard. According to my watch, Mickey’s big hand said we began a depression about ten minutes ago. So… welcome to it folks; the last one standing needs to turn the lights out.

Now I know there are those doubting Thomases’s out there who, “from behind their rose colored glasses” might point out the lack of food lines, tent cities, and Wall Street window jumpers. To that end grasshopper I would countenance patience; for it will come.

You see; what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate or to understand the most basic of economic principals. In November of 2008 this juggernaut to ruin might have been assuaged. Yet; it is far, far too late for that now.

The depression upon us doesn’t look like a depression; “yet” because the Fed keeps printing money and Treasury tax cheat Tim, “A.K.A. Eddie Haskell” keeps flooding insolvent banks with boatloads of money, hot off the presses.

Even China smells rat and has halted the buying of our debt; causing the Federal Reserve to monetize our ballooning deficit. In English that means; the treasury gives ink and paper to the Federal Reserve. Then, the minions of Ben Bernake use those supplies to print $trillions of dollars. Now…stay with me here; after the Fed dries these newly printed bills on huge clotheslines they bundle them up and ship them off to the treasury, ostensibly to purchase our expanding debt and keep Obama Inc. in business.

To date the Federal Reserve has added about $10 Trillion dollars to its balance sheet or to simplify; they are robbing Peter to pay Paul and as everyone knows that results in a sore Peter. Hey; you’d be mad too!

Still; that’s not the best part. Eddie Haskell, “A.K.A. Turbo Tax Tim” has unveiled his plan to remove the toxic assets on Wall Street. At the center of this scam is his, “public/private” partnership to purchase these assets and make the banking industry whole again. Timmy intends to, “loan” companies up to one $trillion dollars to purchase these dog derivatives, yet; here’s the best part. Companies do not have to pay the money back and if they ever show a profit in any future sale they get to keep it; if they sell these products at a loss, we’ll make it up. When I say we, I mean the taxpayer, “you and me folks”. All the while the Fed is printing currency at the speed of light.

As of today every household in America is indebted to China, the treasury, the Federal Reserve, Japan, India, Germany, and every banana republic on the planet for whopping $130,000.00 green backs. And; Obama keeps spending like he’s using other people’s money. Wait a minute…

Unmentioned by the Obamabots is our looming $65 trillion dollars in promised entitlements that, “when combined with our current spending spree” will make the 1930’s depression look like sunshine and lollipops.

When you think about it, “and I have” you realize that this couldn’t possibly be an accident; it just isn’t possible. In the face of the worst financial crisis to ever befoul the American economy, basket-ball Barry is adding red ink faster than we can manufacture it. $2 trillion dollars to destroy healthcare, $2 trillion dollars for cap and trade to fight non-existent global warming and $1.5 trillion dollars in expected costs to business when this idiot unionizes everyone from hookers to panhandlers. This can’t be accidental or explained as simple ancillary effects of social change. This foreign born radical is out to destroy this country.

A reminder; the great depression didn’t set upon this country after the crash of the stock market in 1929. Depressions are a lot like turtles, they are slow, but steady. They can take years to settle in. Though; when this one actually rears its head and the effects are dynamic throughout our economy remember this; Obama owns it, caused it and wanted it. I just hope those brain dead Obama voters are at the front of the soup kitchen line.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 25Mar09

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beguiled or Simply Buffaloed?

Beguiled or simply buffaloed; the liberal left has attached itself to one of thee most anti-American cabals ever foisted upon the electorate, “The ACLU”. For you would-be conservatives, “following along at home”, draw near and behold all that these presents.

John Adams wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. What Madison realized was that a country founded upon a reverence to our creator could not stand without religious moorings.

As a true conservative I am a self described expert in the narrow field of how to argue with a liberal and win. What we conservatives understand is this; Conservatives argue ideology based upon facts. Liberals argue emotion. Today’s subject of dissertation will exhibit for all who can string syllabics into coherent thought just how the ACLU has set about to destroy Christianity and the American traditions enshrined in the founding of this country. A constant truism when arguing with a liberal is that the angrier a liberal gets, during a debate, the more he realizes his position has no merit. The liberal playbook; when they realize the argument/debate is lost is to pull out their trump card and accuse all who disagree with them of being racist, bigoted, biased, and sexist, filled with hate, homophobes or just plain idiot rubes. You see, liberals are convinced that they are the smartest people in the world and they are truly insulted when a mere conservative rube dares to proffer an opposing view. This is done to marginalize conservatives and remove them from the debate arena. Make no mistake, we conservatives will not allow ourselves to be marginalized. You can take that to your liberal bank.

I will now demonstrate beyond all certainty that the ACLU has declared war on Christianity and these forthcoming revelations are beyond reproach; after all, I do my homework.

The ACLU was founded by a Communist, with communist ideals, communist goals, and they continue to impose a Communist like agenda on America daily. The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly… “My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself, I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

This revelation on its face would be, “in all intellectual circles” game, set and match. Yet, draw near and prepare to be dazzled with this soon to be award winning composition, for in this endeavor, with talent on loan from Rush, I draw inspiration from the almighty and have only just begun.

Federal Judge Phyllis Hamilton, “a Clinton appointee” recently upheld a ruling requiring seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Qur’an, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools.

The ACLU has refused to comment on the ruling except to say they find, “nothing actionable”. Translation: the ACLU doesn’t have a problem with it. If California public schools were requiring students to memorize Bible verses the ACLU would have lawyers kicking down the school doors and would be all over local school boards like Rosie O’Donnell on a baked ham. You just know they would!

In 1989 the ACLU began a crusade to remove the Mount Soledad Cross located in the center of a Korean War Memorial in San Diego, California. The Cross was erected in 1954. While continuing a battle to have the Cross removed they have defended Muslims who have demanded, “Foot Basins” in airports, football stadiums and other public places. Foot Basins are used by Muslims in preparation for prayer. "Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?" said an airport official who requested anonymity. "Why are we catering to their rituals? We don't do it for any other religion." As Christians, let’s ask airport officials for a chapel and see how long it takes for the ACLU to come to our aid. Waiting……….waiting……..

While absolutely berating pharmacists, who, “because of religious convictions” have refused to sell “Levonelle”, commonly referred to as the morning after pill. The ACLU defends Muslim taxi drivers who have refused to carry passengers who have been drinking alcohol or possess alcohol. The ACLU has even gone as far as to defend the rights of Muslim taxi drivers to refuse to carry blind patrons who avail themselves of a Seeing Eye dog. The Islamic religion considers dogs unclean. If Timmy’s in the well does it matter if Lassie has had a bath? In a related case, it wasn’t a surprise when the ACLU came to the defense of Muslims employed at Target stores who refused to scan pork products. Mmmm Bacon!

At this point I imagine liberal foreheads to be throbbing and I know just how to push them over the edge. Abortion, utter the word and liberals go running for a soapbox. In 1973 the United States Supreme Court found a right to privacy in the constitution where one did not exist. Since then over 43 million abortions have been performed. Abortion angers conservatives on two fronts. We believe abortion to be immoral and an adulteration of our constitution.

The ACLU, “with a nod from the courts” has taken abortion out of the public debate, “or so they thought” and relegated this most important decision to nine justices and not to the people. Now, the ACLU is going after the tax exempt status of churches who dare speak out against abortion on moral grounds, calling such speech political. In 1987, the ACLU Foundation and the New York Civil Liberties Union filed an amicus brief in support of Abortion Rights Mobilization to secure standing in a suit challenging the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was charged with violating its tax-exempt status by taking a stand against abortion. This is important and deserving of explanation. First the ACLU takes a pro-abortion stance and asks for judicial relief insomuch as abortion is a legal question to be removed from the political debate. After a Supreme Court affirmation of this argument the ACLU reverses itself and makes the wild claim that abortion is a political topic and those who would engage in the abortion debate are involved in political speech. That takes chutzpah folks.

The evidence is overwhelming and I could continue to list it for days. The ACLU is anti-Christianity and anti-American. There can be no other conclusion and those who would argue differently are either an order of French fries short of a happy meal of need to have their medications refilled.

Finally, yet by no means the last word, I give you hope, for often it is all we have other than our faith. We can engage with those that would call murder, “abortion”. For; if life does not begin at conception, when does it? And to quote a wise man, “A human birth is Gods way of saying the world should continue”. In that spirit we abide and continue this war until all human life is not only respected but revered.

Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 23MAR09

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Love Ya Glenn... But...

I just know I’m going to be beaten up for this but… here goes. I’m giving Glenn Beck a B- for his touted, “We surround them” Friday show. That’s right fellow conservatives… get ready to fire up those e-mails to take me down a peg, yet; before you do… here me out.

The criteria I used in this grading curve included Glenn’s lack of specific cures, “save visiting his website” and his Oprahesque delivery. Don’t misunderstand; I’m a big fan of Glenn’s and held out great expectations for him and this movement he inspired. Yet; if he intends to lead a movement he should do more than tell Americans to educate themselves and their children. We conservatives have done this, and will continue to do so. So; in effect, Glenn was preaching to the choir and converting no one.

One more thing; and this really frost’s my flakes… I am sick and tired of hearing it’s not about Republicans, Democrats, Liberals or Conservatives. Dammit Glenn it is. This country is under assault, daily, by liberals in government, the media and loony Lilliputian leftist’s organizations as far as the eye can see. They are out to destroy this country and nothing short of a complete defeat of these socialist squirrels is acceptable. And, by the way; in case you haven’t noticed, they are out to defeat conservatism at every turn.

Most disturbing was Glenn’s solution to a problem he failed to identify. That being education, that we should educate ourselves and our children. Presciently I posit the following profundity; WHY?

Why must we teach economics and the constitution to our children? Why must we explain the divine inspiration of our founding documents? Why must we entertain our children with such inspirational stories as George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware and defeat of the Hessians, or Jefferson’s struggle with Slavery, Ben Franklin’s view that poverty should be made uncomfortable, enumerated powers and the tenth amendment or the voluminous evidence of manifest destiny and divine providence? Aren’t we over paying our educational system to do so?

This is where the rubber meets the road folks and this is where we as individual conservatives can bind together and really make a difference.

Up until the mid 1930’s the bible was a staple of discussion and literature in our classrooms. It wasn’t until the mid 1950’s that civics in the classroom was replaced by health, “or sex Ed”. Simple economics is an anathema to modern education, though, it hasn’t always been so.

This is where we lost this battle… in our local schools. For if Milton Freidman, Thomas Sowell, Walter William’s economics were taught in our schools not one single Democrat need ever be elected again. Were the true history of our founding, “along with its inspired documents” relayed in the classroom, Democrats would be scarcer than the Yeti. And, had within our classrooms the Holy bible we would truly be what Adam’s and Washington had hoped for us to be, “A religious and moral people”.

This is where we can act… beginning in our local schools, by electing school board members from our very ranks. By ignoring mandates from a federal bureaucracy that has usurped local authority and the powers provided to them in articles 1, 2 and 3. By ignoring the separation of church and state as one does not exists. By disallowing the fiats of an out of control Supreme Court that has abrogated the intent of our constitution and set themselves above the will of the people. We take back our country by making a stand, in our community, in our backyard. From there we go to our city representation and our state districts. We groom those outstanding conservatives in our midst. We nominate them, we work for them and we remind them that they not only work for us, they are us. We expand to our federal representation as now ours is a true movement. We primary recalcitrant Republicans and replace them with we the people. We get off our collective asses and take this damn thing back for it is our birthright. We get behind Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. We bleed for them; we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor for them. Not for their cult of personality but for their love of country and sacrament of fidelity to our constitution.

It won’t be easy; but, then freedom never is. Yet; we tread in the footstep of those great men who looked to the heavens and seen within them the face of God, Our God, that shed his grace on thee. For we stand on the shoulders of our founders and this one truism lends more righteousness to our cause than any observed by those that would see this country enslaved by the shackled of Socialism. His will be done.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 17 MARCH 09

Monday, March 9, 2009

The News of the Day

On Monday, Premiere Obama issued an executive order unionizing the Adult Entertainment industry along with street prostitutes, pimps and escorts. The Premier’s order would immediately provide federal insurance, overtime pay and benefits to all Adult workers. The plan is tentatively named the Spitzer act. After being notified, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, “OSHA” provided the new safety guidelines to be observed by all Adult service providers.
Safety work rules would require Adult service providers to wear safety harnesses, eye and ear protection, hard hats and safety boots.
The Environmental Protection Agency, “EPA” would be responsible for all hazardous waste removal and cleanup.
The Department of Labor would oversee mandatory breaks, lunch periods, holiday pay and discount rates for congressmen.

In related news; Premiere Obama announced the government schedule of mandatory services. On Wednesdays and Thursdays governmental offices will distribute Bologna and white bread as available. Currently, no foodstuffs are available; however, condoms and birth control pills are plentiful and will be dispersed at all grade schools. Participation is mandatory!

The Supreme commander also announced his administrations policy of tattooing all conservatives for future identification. He warned the media not to make too much of this policy and that these identifiers would only be used for national security. Administration officials are adamant that the rumors of gas chambers being built are false and the disappearances of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter are merely coincidental.

In lighter news; the exalted Supreme Premiere Obama reversed his abortion fiat and will now allow abortions on infants and children up to the age of ten. Making his decision retroactive, his majesty pardoned Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who drowned her five children. An Obama spokesperson pointed out that none of the drowned children were over ten and thus no current law was broken.

Finally; the investigation into the bombing of Fox News has been completed by Der Fuehrer Barrack’s justice department. The completed report suggests rats ate threw an electrical wire, causing a spark which ignited Glenn Beck’s hair spray. Beck, in a panic, raced to a freshly painted stairwell, spreading the blaze to several floors. As the flames raced throughout the building, Geraldo Rivera’s hair exploded and Bill O’Reilly’s body spontaneously combusted. The resulting explosion left a crater the size of Connecticut where the former NewsCorp building once stood. The witnesses who testified that Rahm Emanuel was seen running from the burning building were discredited and tattooed.
Conservative Springfield 10MAR09