Thursday, June 12, 2008

That's Right, I said it; Democrats are Just EVIL

You know, this $4.00 a gallon gas spike is not really a big deal to me. I have a good job as does my husband, which means we make large dough, big bucks. Wink-wink. And, since we hide most of our income from the IRS we pay very little in taxes……..Wait a minute, If you work for the IRS and are reading this I never cheat on my taxes, ever. I love love love love the IRS. Did I mention I love the IRS?

Where was I? Oh yes, gasoline. High fuel prices are affecting the costs of all goods and services across the fruited plain or plane if you’re reading this at thirty thousand feet. I was struck by something and only bring it up because no on else has; How are the elderly, on fixed incomes, dealing with higher prices of just about every damn thing we consume as Americans?

Democrats will tell anyone who will listen that they are the party of the little guy and especially the poor and aged, “remember Al Gores Social Security lockbox?” Yet what are the Demon-crats doing for these people? Look folks, there is real need out there. Seniors trying to get by on Social Security have seen food and energy costs double. Who speaks for them, the liberal loving, left leaning AARP? Nope, not one peep. Because if the AARP were to be honest they would have to point out that the democrats have screwed seniors on energy along with the rest of the electorate.

Instead of letting the oil companies drill for our own supply, “which is enormous” the democrats haul big oil to congress and berate them for an 8% return on their vast investment, eight friggin percent. The average return on investment for the S&P 500 is 11.5%. The oil companies are under-performing.

Congress complains bitterly about corporate welfare or the government handouts given to mega-oil. Let’s just call that what it is, a damned lie. The oil companies receive incentives to find new oil deposits within a very limited geographical area. If they are successful in increasing supplies or invest in, “green” technologies they receive a tax break. However, that doesn’t mean they get a handout from government coffers, no, they just pay less tax on that return of capitol. What you haven’t heard is this; U.S. oil companies pay more in taxes than they make in profits. Because of the high taxes paid by oil companies they make zero profit from domestic oil sales. For you high school dropouts, the mentally infirm or liberal democrats I’ll explain. Domestic oil companies lose money selling and refining oil in the Unites States because of the enormous taxes they are forced to pay. Exxon pays taxes at a rate of 41% on its taxable income! In 2007 Exxon-Mobil paid over $40,000,000,000.00 in taxes. That’s 40 billion in case you didn’t count all of the zeros.

Conservative estimates conclude we have over 300 years of, “current usage” oil supply within the continental United States and off of our shores. Energy analysts in lockstep consensus agree that, with our supply and technology, oils fair market value should be around $80.00 a barrel extrapolating to $2.00 a gallon for gasoline. Yet, the democrats block every effort to drill. Why?

I’ll tell you why, because the democrats never will and the republicans are too lily livered and sheepish to do it. I suffer no such impediments. They are quite simply evil. People are suffering because of their actions and they don’t give a damn. They scare the public with stories of senior citizens having to choose between their medications or food and then create the circumstances wherein that might be a fact of life for many. It’s time we called the democrats just what they are, evil. And, just for the record, I love the IRS.

Conservative Springfield

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

However, if people like you wouldn't hid money from the IRS, and actually payed the gov what you owe them - we would have more money going in to help cover our national debt, to help cover social security costs. You have a good job and make lots of money - well I don't. I work in the arts/education system, and I struggle to even meet my monthly bills, let alone pay 4 dollars a gallon of gas. I struggle, and give exactly what I owe. However, you fell the right to sit here and complain about people (the dems) for screwing people over - well aren't you right along with them? Go on and screw the government and I hope you get what you deserve in the end.