That’s it, tomorrow I’m stopping off at my local tractor supply store and buying a pitchfork, and then I’m off in search of
a torch, a big one. {Size Matters} I learned today that the United States Supreme Court will now decide if the U.S. Navy will be allowed to use sonar during their training exercises because, “leftists’ wacko freaks” contend emanating sonar gives the whales a headache. I want the Supreme Court to decide if liberals have the right to inhabit my country, they give me a headache requiring vast quantities of pharmaceuticals and Kentucky bourbon, I’m just saying. The burning question, for me, is just how damn long we are going to put up with this minority of loud little Lilliputian liberals lamenting the constant erosion of our personal freedoms and steering this country down the road to Socialism at break neck speed. For Christ’s sake, in 2012 we will lose the freedom to purchase incandescent light bulbs. Today we can purchase tobacco products but have to lock ourselves in a closet with an air freshener, a fire extinguisher and a hazmat suit just to smoke the overtaxed product we purchased. I have to purchase a sticker from my state, just to put my boat in the water. And, dare I place a fishing pole in that boat I have to buy a fishing license to commune with our God given nature. I have to buy car insurance though I can afford to replace any car I may damage. I can’t burn my own leaves, out of my own trees, in my own frigging yard because there is a majority of idiots out there hand wringing over the scam that is global warming. I have to get a building permit to build on my property and then pay a greater share of tax because of the improvements I paid for. I have to hand over 35% of my earnings to a corrupt government, under the threat of jail, to support fellow Americans I have never met and are too damn lazy to earn their own living. I have to contribute to a Social Security program I will never participate in. I have to wear a seat belt even if I want to fly through my damn windshield. As a law abiding citizen I have to register my handguns while criminals do not.
As Americans we are forced to endure a myriad of rules, regulations, laws and edicts from a mere 535 overpaid, oversexed, egotistical, elected echinococcus to the electorate they presume to represent. Well, look, these rapists of the sacrosanct document that is our constitution can kiss my white American ass, both cheeks.
Look folks, it’s time we stood up to these stuffed shirt slime balls and take our country back. The America we live in is not the country envisioned by our founders and I’m mad as hell about it and I’m not going to take it anymore! How about you?
Conservative Springfield 24Jun08
I'd rather spend my time in front of the television. That couch isn't going to sit on itself.
It's funny to me that, to you, communing with nature means hooking fish with a metal hook, dragging them from the water, killing them and then eating them. Makes sense that you're all for defense weaponry that runs roughshod over nature, too.
By the way, what are you actually going to do with your pitchfork and torch? You bring it up early on in your rant, but then you never really clarify what you're going to do? Are you fully threatening to run around stabbing and burning people? Man, that's no way to be.
Well, Tish, you're spot on about this sonar thing. If by 'gives whales headaches' you mean injures and kills whales, dolphins, and other marine life, and if by ' decide if the U.S. Navy will be allowed to use sonar' you mean having to take some extra precautions before using sonar. And later when you said 'global warming scam' you were probably referring to global climate change which is supported with studies by NOAA and NASA, and thousands of peer-reviewed scientific journals. I know that doesn't bear as much weight as the ramblings of Rush and Hannity, but you may want to consider it.
I'm more of a Libertarian than a liberal, so I can agree with you a bit on government intervention in our lives. However I should point out that the government has grown more under Bush than any other U.S. president, and if you want to smoke and not wear your seat belt....well, you're an idiot.
Finally, since I am not an entirely negative person, I did appreciate your fictional references to god and Gulliver's Travels. Good day.
Andy, you might want to google the 32.000 scientists whom recently signed a letter questioning man made global warming. As far as Mr. Hanson, of NASA claiming we are changing our climate, he is the same scientist, who, 30 years ago decried global cooling. Thanks for the reply. Tish
Hilton, perhaps you remember the old movies where the villagers stormed the castle with torches and pitchforks. I meant it as a descriptive analogy to revolt and displeasure with our oppressive government.Thanks for the comment, Tish
Hilton, Perhaps you remember the old movies where the villagers stormed the castle with pitchforks and torches. I was simply making an analogy of my displeasure with our oppressive government. Thanks for the comment, Tish
Thanks for posting that comment twice. I doubly appreciate it. Thanks for the clarification.
I guess it wasn't clear to me where you were headed with the idea because you let the whole analogy just kind of die after sentence uno. That's the problem with catchy one-line sentences. They often drop off early.
So, are you planning to form your very own citizen hate mob, or are you planning to join one that has been pre-assembled?
Are you referring to the Oregon Petition? The petition on which the National Academy of Sciences said "The NAS Council would like to make it clear that this petition has nothing to do with the National Academy of Sciences and that the manuscript was not published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences or in any other peer-reviewed journal.The petition does not reflect the conclusions of expert reports of the Academy...even given the considerable uncertainties in our knowledge of the relevant phenomena, greenhouse warming poses a potential threat sufficient to merit prompt responses. Investment in mitigation measures acts as insurance protection against the great uncertainties and the possibility of dramatic surprises."
Andy, this is the article I was referring to, take a look and again, thanks for your comment, Tish
Hilton, my double post was a google error. No, I plan to lead this posse myself and go boldly where no woman has gone before, thanks for the comment, Tish
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