Thursday, August 6, 2009

Premier Barry

Premier Barry
Those of us with knowledge of the historical underpinnings and basic tenets fought for in the struggle for independence from King George, long ago, came to the aggregate conclusion that a new struggle for separation from an out of control, autocratic oligarchy, hell bent on transforming a representative republic into a central planning politburo.

The American experiment began when fifty-six patriots, “from diverse backgrounds” affixed their John Hancock’s to a de facto pink-slip edifying the king that royalty need not apply. Those founders held strong inclinations and fidelity to such novel ideas as freedom, self governance, liberty, religious expression, personal determination and public elections of representatives instead of a strict adherence of the biological lottery of Deoxyribonucleic acid. {DNA} They apperceived this concept so resolutely and indomitably that they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in this endeavor.

Perhaps the best apperceive, “or evidence” of their resolute intent was the 25,000 stalwart souls who sacrificed the essence of life so that birth might be given to a nation. Those men along with their peers were responsible for authoring a constitution that we conservatives not only consider sacrosanct but divinely inspired were the earners of the bequeathing to we , the people of a nation upon which God shed his grace. With that inheritance obliged the recipients to covet those ideals and aspirations whose recompense was blood and personal sacrifice by the patriarchs of this nation.

Yet; we inherited more than an obligatory reverence to those founders. For; with that endowment, that blessing of being given the keys to the greatest nation on this planet also imbued a great responsibility.

This encumbrance I fear has been has been largely ignored and averted. The American demographic seemingly invests more time and energy into deciding who will be the next American idol than in accepting the responsibilities that conjoin with the rights we enjoy. Even though; the lack of due diligence by the electorate charged with protecting those God given rights has, “for the most part” abrogated their, “watchdog” moiety apportionment for a ringside seat as a spectator.

To wit; we gather every two to four years to consummate an election wherein those candidates who seemingly represent our ideals, views and core values would ascend to power; a power constitutionally given by the consent of the governed.

Though; nano-seconds after these orators of slight of hand swear an oath to protect and defend the constitution of these United States they most often fall prey to the bureaucracy they railed against when seeking our votes. They become enamored with the private jets, the P.A.C. money that is the life blood of Washington. They decorate their offices with ornate bobbles they see as eclectic and becoming of their status. They hire their staff using the formula of either the widest bathroom stance or that virginal smile which belies a willingness to meet any deadline or position.

They assume the character of self importance. They become full of themselves. They plan their day around camera face time on any network that might spell their name correctly and exalt any opinion they might proffer.

Most importantly; from the day they are sworn in; they are running for re-election. Humorously; to us commoners’, every time a congressman of any stripe peers into a mirror…he sees a president.

Though; enough of semantics…what we now abide isn’t much less than the dilemma pondered by our founders in assessing the dynamics of King George’s rule. Our politicians are above the law and beyond reproach. They consider themselves royalty, the chosen ones. For instance; were law and order the fare of the day, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charlie Rangel…ET. Al… would be making little ones out of big ones while wearing striped shirts and repeating the phrase, “I got my mind right”.

And…for you lunatic leftists; I would postulate this…all of the political class has adulterated their responsibilities. They work for us! Yet; attempt to contact them with a differing point of view than theirs and you’ll talk to a Tony Soprano type that will make you an offer that you can’t refuse.

Maybe it’s just me but lifetime politicians, with their own private jets, staffs that measure into the hundreds, lobbyists paying for extravagant vacations, millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the very entities they regulate, salaries and health benefits that are genuinely gold plated, paid for by we the people, a lifetime retirement package after only one term of service, a continual passing of legislation that they are exempt from., Elliot Spitzer girls paid for by, “we, the taxpayer” unless you are Barney Frank, legislation that punishes success, mortgaging our children’s future by either printing money or borrowing it from China, Failing to balance a budget while creating laws that would imprison us for the same behavior. And…for generally exhibiting the political behavior that would cause Thomas Jefferson to demand satisfaction at the point of a gun for these two faced, spineless jackals’ who claim to work in the public interest. I put forth this; let’s hang em’ all. And…if we don’t, we then will receive what we deserve and will sully the inheritance left to us by men of more character than we have abiding within us in the collective. .
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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