Monday, August 10, 2009

Healthcare for Dummies

Perhaps it’s time for an adult debate about healthcare reform…and, by “adult” I mean this author, laying to waste any dissent from my brilliance, tact and reason. To wit; game, set and match…articles one and two of the United States Constitution enumerates certain powers to the federal government. The tenth amendment provides that those powers not given to the federal government in the constitution are left to the states and inevitably… the people.
Shows’ over folks…thanks for coming, I’ll be here all week…enjoy the roast beef.

Okay…as purely an intellectual exercise in futility let’s indulge the limp-wristed, bran eating, mocha drinking, Oprah watching, yahoos that think tech music is an art form and that Obama’s birth certificate is anything other than dust etchings in the Kenyan desert.
Now class…we will explore the lefts most promoted, preposterous and downright knee-slapping, giggling postulations…oft posited with a straight face, tweed jacket with leather elbow patches and either a pipe or monocle accoutrements. If it wasn’t for the power these poindexter’s wield, our economy would come to a screeching halt as those of us who actually contribute to the GDP would cease all activity, other than to spend our productive hours pointing, laughing and ridiculing these poor dumb bastards. No matter…far too often checkers sells more than chess.

Healthcare is a right! This pronouncement as an inalienable right makes as much sense as Jimmy Carter winning the Nobel Prize for peace when the Middle East exploded under his watch whilst he wrote mash letters to the Ayatollah. This dog just won’t hunt. First; we are endowed by our creator…meaning our rights come from God, not by any issuing authority or autocracy. Human rights are delineated as having no reciprocal responsibilities from your fellow man. Simply put; the exercising of rights cannot diminish another citizens rights. Your freedom of speech costs your neighbor nothing. The freedom to assemble doesn’t require your neighbor to pay for your transportation to the assembly area. We have the freedom to worship; though…no one is taxed to build our churches. Your rights end when they infringe upon mine. And…extrapolated…your stated right to healthcare impinges on my right; “choice” to not pay for it. Of course, I choose to let your sorry ass pull your own weight, to buck-up buckaroo and accept responsibility for yourself as I do for myself.
Yes; we are a compassionate people and will always pass the hat for those individuals whom are truly helpless and in need. We have always done so. Yet, we do so as a moral choice and should not be compelled to benevolence by Barry the Kenyan Keynesian.
Next up on the lefts top forty is that an overhaul of healthcare is an economic imperative necessary to thwart hyper-health costs, lowering everyone’s contribution. Let’s see…we are going to lower costs by increasing demand? America has a static supply of healthcare professionals. The Bamster proposes to transform demand into a gargantuan, “dynamic” denominator, thus…lowering price.
Economics 101, increasing demand to a static supply raises costs.
Lacking in Obama’s healthcare algorithms are any substantive reforms, “even though” see paragraph one defining federal powers.
Tort reform redefining malpractice remuneration to, “compensatory damages only” would be a good start. Roving wolf packs of trial lawyers see doctors as a Las Vegas piñata and they all get in line to take a whack. The, “too often frivolous” lawsuits are proportionally insignificant yet; the defensive practice of medicine adds as much as 15% to the costs of healthcare.

Still; the most definitive of culprits is the misrepresentation of costs to consumer. Healthcare recipients aren’t involved in pricing the exchange of goods and services. How can a hospital charge $2000.00 dollars a night for a bed when the Ramada Inn cannot? It’s simple; the costs of healthcare are not represented to the demand for it.
Health savings accounts would solve this problem. Put the consumer in charge of planning, managing and their demand for this supply. Let them be the arbiters’ of their expenditures and reap the rewards of financial prudence.
Leaving aside the democrat proposals would enact separate, “cash for clunkers” for seniors making it cash for geezers; deciding coverage after cutting seniors in half and counting their rings… so much for the compassion extolled by your new democrat party.

A major factor in the cost of healthcare is the government. If I own a construction company; employing 200 burly construction workers, and…my business model provides health insurance to my employees… I must buy policies which include annual breast examinations to screen for breast cancer. This is but one of the myriad of mandates required by state and federal chimpanzees posing as public servants. This is the dirty little secret; government is the 800lb. gorilla. They are the largest contributor to the cost of healthcare. Healthcare is 17% of our GDP and the government runs 47% of it through Medicare, Medicaid and medicate. They intend to remove profit from healthcare when profit, “as a motive” is proven to be the best incentive for production, competition, service and quality.

Though…these, “now published” postulations only respond to the straw-man arguments from the dead-heads in Washington and their lap dogs across the fruited plain. In responding one might accept, that I accept their premises. I do not and only reciprocate a response to these buffoons because it’s just so damn much fun. Highlighting the idiocy of idiots ought to be an Olympic event including a studio laugh track every time one of these zombied Obamalites proposes to tell us they care.

None of this disabuses my opening salvo. Our constitution gives not congressional authority for Obamacare. The power for national healthcare is not enumerated in the constitution and our tenth amendment is as follows; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. Nuff Said…
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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