Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Economics 101

While the state media swoons over the Obama and spends evenings painting their toenails, hovering by the phone, in the hope that Barry will invite them to the prom; the Bamster is whipping this economy like the family pig. If Obama was intentionally trying to destroy the American economy, “just for kicks” his economic policy positions postulated and paraded by little Timmy Geithner would look strikingly similar to the fiduciary fiasco foisted fanatically upon the fleeced fawning fools that we mistakenly federate into the voting populace. Come to think of it…
This isn’t checkers folks; it’s chess played on extrapolated levels. And Obama’s first moves have been to sacrifice us pawns. But, the purpose of this instructional video isn’t to simply trash Obama; though he is a target rich environment.
No sir; this is economics, right here in River city. It starts with an E that rhymes with B and that stands for Bamster. Sorry, author synaptic neurons firing indiscriminately. It happens…
Alright; let’s boat this bass. There are two schools of economic prognostication. That being, market economists, “those evil Wall Street Goodfellas” and policy wonk fiscal futless professors who wouldn’t be seen without their prized tweed jacket with a hint of leather on their elbows; and don’t forget the trademark pipe… just for effect.
Sadly; neither group understands the method or madness of the other. For those in my vast and ever growing audience that actually wear a helmet, ride the short bus and vote Obamalama it’s this simple, the markets don’t understand the economy and the economy cabal understand not the markets and their workings. This is why those of you basking in my brilliance need drop to your knees and thank God you have access to my intelligence and unique cerebellum. Can I haaaave an Amen? By the way; thanks for taking time out of your busy computer porn schedule to actually read something.
Let’s get to it and start with the markets. The state media is wetting themselves trying to convince us dolts that by simply having Obama rest his head on a pillow situated at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue the markets have snapped too and it’s sunshine and lollipops from here on out. They point to such indicators as rising oil prices, increased home sales, a rising Dow and oddly enough lowering unemployment conjoined with a jump in consumer confidence.
Though in reality, not perception, these nuggets of gold intermeshed in the muck and mire are a fools gold indeed. Actually; if you scored greater than 700 on your SAT’s and possess a double digit I.Q. these offers of media bias are more than insulting. The dollar is tanking, oil is traded for dollars…junk dollars require more of them for oil that is, black gold, Texas tea. Barry, Timmy Geithner and Lassie are printing dollars on everything from paper to Charmin three ply and destroying its worth. Obama is treating the dollar like a baby treats a diaper.
Of course home sales are increasing; at fire sale costs. The bulk of these purchases are at foreclosure auctions; the housing crisis brought to us by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd ET. Al. has now leeched into prime borrowers… One in eight prime mortgage holders is either hopelessly deficit in their home payments or in default.
The peaks and valleys of the Dow are simply the aestivations of a bear market. Markets are responding to news; ignoring the traditional barometer of earnings. And…this is important; investors aren’t buying this market. It’s the fast money players, the traders, the in and out guys. If you have any doubt look at the short term bond market compared to the ten year bond. Investors aren’t betting long on America.
The media touted a 17,000 aggregate improvement in first time jobless claims. So, instead of losing 617,000 jobs a month we are only shedding a measly 600,000. No matter that the government added twenty thousand new autocrats to our bloated government bureaucracy. The stark reality is that this country is hemorrhaging jobs at an alarming rate. Look past the lipstick, it’s still a pig.
The consumer confidence numbers are quite easily explained. The media trashed the economy for six years prior to the coronation of King Barry and helped push it over the jagged cliff. Now they tout it as the second coming and have influenced public opinion. All to get Barry to notice them and hope against hope…blow them a kiss.
Now bear near and draw close for fiscal GDP economics is different yet the same. What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate…with common sense and cents patriot demographics. What the Bamster, little Timmy and Gentle Ben Bernanke are doing reminds me of that movie, “It’s a mad, mad, mad World”. The Treasury is selling Americas debt by issuing T-Bills which is being bought by the Federal Reserve… printing money that has a lessening value with each pass of the presses. In technical terms this is called monetizing our debt. In common terms this is called confiscatory taxes on wealth that has yet to be created by people yet to be born. It is unsustainable.
We should also be mindful of an entitlement, “gimme…gimme” that will be insolvent and topping $57 TRILLION dollars jiffy quick; just as soon as the baby boomers un-yoke and hit the recliner. Well…along with the slackers riding in the wagon while us buck-ups, “can do’s” have been putting our noses to the grindstone and thus supporting these slothful, leeches who are most aptly described as the barnacles on our behind.
The portrait the media is painting is watercolor and it’s beginning to rain. I don’t mean to alarm anyone but you might want to keep your pets indoors. After all; you’re going to need them for food. I’m just saying…
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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