Monday, June 15, 2009

The Religion of Cultists

As many as nine foreign hostages, including Germans, a Britton, and a South Korean, have been found dead in the volatile region of Saada in northern Yemen. The victims worked for a Dutch international relief organization. The lives of these relief workers weren’t simply taken; as horrific as that is…early reporting from Yemeni officials indicate the victims were systematically and brutally tortured prior to their death and their bodies mutilated. This latest example of terror brought to you by, “you guessed it” the religion of peace. At least one child was butchered…just for kicks.

Sooner or later the non-Muslim world needs to wake up and smell the Quran. For… the longer we continue to pander to these animals the higher the body count will be when we finally face the stark reality that the cult we have too long abided has as its basic tenet wholesale slaughter and mayhem.

Islam is one of the largest scams ever perpetrated upon the world; preceding the global warming racket, liberal patriotism, mans evolution from chimps and John Edwards fidelity. And…when we should now be exporting nuclear weapons to the Middle East, one city at a time; we find ourselves in the unique position of having as our titular leader a dyed in the wool, Mecca facing, teleprompter Jihadist. Who… “by the way”, also seems to be birth certificate challenged along with a myriad of other sinister foibles.

Muhammad posed as an apostle of God. Yet his life is filled with lustfulness (12 marriages and sex with a child, slaves and concubines), rapes, warfare, conquests, and unmerciful butcheries. The infinitely good, just and all holy God simply cannot tolerate anything in the least unjust or sinful. What Muhammad produced in the Qur'an is simply a book of gibberish consisting of later evil verses abrogating (superseding) earlier peaceful verses.

Think about it…this is the, “prophet” that the cult of Islam is entirely based upon. And then…ponder this; how many murders did Jesus commit? How many rapes or pedophilic acts did he engage in?

In the trial of the blind Sheik, “Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman”, a fundamentalist Muslim cleric serving a life sentence for terrorism, federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy researched Islam and the teachings of Mohammed. He had set out to prove that the terrorist he would soon bring to justice were an abomination, a jihadist that had adulterated an institutional, peaceful religion. What he found was more than shocking. For every act of butchery, of torture and blood letting there were Quran Surah’s, “verses” to not only excuse murderous acts but to mandate them.

This isn’t religion. It is cultism imbibed with debauchery, butchery and perversion. It’s seventh century fanaticism.
And…most disturbing is the attitude taken by our own Bamster Hussein. Remember; post election his eminence saw fit to give his first interview to an Arab television network. He has given more speeches in the Middle East than interns bedded by Bopping Billy Clinton. And…this is only my speculation, but to see Michelle, “my Belle” fashion the hijab on the cover of Good Housekeeping isn’t as far fetched as one might think.

This cult is Jim Jones, “Kool-Aid aficionado” with AK-47’s and apparel that go’s boom. Yet; we have a foreign policy that treats them like misunderstood Presbyterians.

Ann Coulter was right. The solution is to invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. Or; we could wait for a nuclear bomb to detonate in New York, killing millions of people and join with the United Nations in drafting a stern letter of disapproval.

About 578 years before Islam came along; Christians were warned against Islam by both Jesus and the Apostle Paul. Jesus warned us about the many false prophets who would follow Him (Matthew 16:11-12). Paul warned us when he wrote:

“But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a Gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!” (Galatians 1:8).

Since Islam’s message differs fundamentally from the Gospel, it is clear what Paul taught regarding the fate of Muhammad and those who propagate Islam. Islam bypasses the sacrificial mediating work Jesus did for believers on the cross, thus negating the forgiveness of sins. This condemns non-believers to die in their sins. Jesus said; "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." John 8:24
Jesus also predicted the current dilemma of Muslim intolerance and fanaticism. He warned that the day was likewise coming when religious zealots will kill Christians and think they are offering a service to God (John 16:2-4).

Islam is nothing more, “or less” than a perverted, ideology inhabited by pedophiles, serial killers and sadists. Until we are ready to accept this we will continue to suffer the fate these Dutch relief workers fell upon…yet continuing on a much greater scale. We can either accept these truths or invest in body bags.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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