Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Room Temperature Doctor

You can just see the drive-by media getting cranked up for this story. A high profile abortion doctor; whacked in a church as he was shaking down parishioners to keep the Reformation Lutheran Church afloat.
This story fits the template of the media. That is the wild and crazy fringe Christian right as bloodthirsty fundamentalist’s hell bent on exercising our second amendment rights on all you backsliders.
OBLIGATORY STATEMENT…No Christian would ever sanction a murder, we’re sorry for this mans family…yada, yada, yada…blah, blah, blah. Still let’s not martyr this doctor, “Dr. George Tiller”. After all; he was a dues paying member of a very exclusive club. You know; the club that has as a tenet of its membership grasping full term infants by their ankles, dragging them halfway through the birth canal and stabbing them in the head with a pair if surgical scissors… neat huh?
What will be overlooked is, that in any reality what the, “now room temperature” doctor engaged in was quite simply murder. There is no equivocating or minimizing what this animal did for a living. And; in death I give no quarter for this mass murderer.
Still, as a constitutional Christian; a conservative Christian, I can disparage, “to a degree” the actions of the gunman; for we don’t take the laws of this country into our own hands.
But, before I forget; let me just postulate that to, “in any way” equate the Reformation Lutheran Church as akin to anything actually Christian is to attach anything other than cult status to Muslims. Churches such as that produce nothing but community organizers, pedophiles and abortion aficionados. As long as were are clear…
Okay…where was I? Ah yes; the lenient gun laws that allow us right winged nuts to dispatch reputable medical parishioners off to the Reformation Lutheran Church graveyard… posthaste. This is the mosaic that will be cobbled together by our stalwart media.
But here’s the real story; the one that the media will never portray. The guy getting the medical procedure as we speak, “an autopsy” was the man responsible for hundreds of infant deaths. For you lily livered, fence sitting Podunk’s out there who might be indifferent to abortion, let me set you straight. This doctor bought nice homes, raised a family and supported a wife by slaughtering full term viable infants. That is not abortion; it is infanticide. And… I suspect at this very moment his soul is wondering what happened to the air-conditioning.
As to the gunman; I also suspect that this is a man who simply couldn’t abide the continuation of the slaughter. So…he took the law into his own hands; something that should never be done. In actuality, in my humble opinion, the shooter is more of a victim than the victim. Because, in reality the United States Supreme Court is the real culprit. For, they took the choice away from the people and set in motion a mood of disenfranchisement. Still, I pray for the shooter, not for the soul of this doctor. He sold that soul for gold and murdered his fellow man…over and over.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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