Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mr. Rush Hudson Limbaugh

You may know this; you may not, doesn’t matter, because that’s what I’m here for, to inform and educate you, my loyal masses. In the blogosphere, on the airwaves and even in some of the mainstream media this is Rush Limbaugh week. Most liberals will stop reading at that last sentence yet they do so out of ignorance and petulance. This week Rush completes his twentieth year on the air with an audience of 22 million listeners weekly. Take that MSNBC.
Modern day conservatism began with Barry Goldwater, was expanded by William F. Buckley Jr. and blossomed with the great Ronald Reagan. Yet, Rush made conservatism a movement, an ideology and with prescient, positive, humorous daily content he has wrested the monopoly formerly enjoyed by the mainstream, lapdog media and turned what was a liberal media monologue into a national debate. And, at debating public policy Rush has no equal. He has total command of every subject and explains conservatism in a way most Americans who have matriculated through our addled public school system can understand. I’m convinced; “as he so often reminds us” that he does indeed have talent on loan from God.
Rush hit the radio waves in 1985 on a local station in San Diego, California. Almost immediately his wit, brevity and talent made possible his move to syndication in 1988 and today is carried on over six hundred American radio stations and a few overseas, “pirated” broadcasters.
Even as you liberals cringe and tear up you mental midgets have to admit, Rush is the king of talk radio.
Early in the 1980’s AM talk radio was dieing. All that was left was to throw dirt on the casket. There was even a theory being floated that the AM band should be transferred to law enforcement. Then Rush Limbaugh, Maha-Rushie stepped up. Not only did he single handedly save an entire industry he paved the way for Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Gallagher, etc, etc.
What I find most disheartening is this; a full half of the country hates him and, “as studies have shown” a large percentage of those, “Rush deniers” don’t listen to his program. Rush is an unabashed conservative. He believes in the principals this country was founded upon, he considers our constitution sacrosanct and expounds American exceptionalism. Yet, from the left, he is painted as a racist, sexist, bigoted homophobe when nothing could be further from the truth. This is done to marginalize Rush as a right-wing kook and remove him from the national debate. Guess what folks, I repeat, 22 million listeners a week. Let’s just simplify this for you liberal rubes, Rush is the guy, he is our conservative oracle and the sad part is this; Rush has more sunsets behind him than he does sunrises ahead of him. I can just imagine the liberal content upon the death of this great man and it sickens me. Rush should be included with Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Franklin, and, lest we forget, Mr. Reagan. This country, our founders, our constitution couldn’t have been an accident, it had to have been ordained by our creator, and in my humble opinion God put Rush on this earth to do what he so brilliantly does, tell the truth and do so with wit and brevity.
Conservative Springfield 28JUL08

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