Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Time to Panic

That tectonic tremble you felt yesterday was the nuclear option employed by the Federal Reserve in their latest attempt to save our economy. Not bloody likely mate! Here’s the funny part, at least from my QWERTY keyboard. According to my watch, Mickey’s big hand said we began a depression about ten minutes ago. So… welcome to it folks; the last one standing needs to turn the lights out.

Now I know there are those doubting Thomases’s out there who, “from behind their rose colored glasses” might point out the lack of food lines, tent cities, and Wall Street window jumpers. To that end grasshopper I would countenance patience; for it will come.

You see; what we’ve got here is a failure to communicate or to understand the most basic of economic principals. In November of 2008 this juggernaut to ruin might have been assuaged. Yet; it is far, far too late for that now.

The depression upon us doesn’t look like a depression; “yet” because the Fed keeps printing money and Treasury tax cheat Tim, “A.K.A. Eddie Haskell” keeps flooding insolvent banks with boatloads of money, hot off the presses.

Even China smells rat and has halted the buying of our debt; causing the Federal Reserve to monetize our ballooning deficit. In English that means; the treasury gives ink and paper to the Federal Reserve. Then, the minions of Ben Bernake use those supplies to print $trillions of dollars. Now…stay with me here; after the Fed dries these newly printed bills on huge clotheslines they bundle them up and ship them off to the treasury, ostensibly to purchase our expanding debt and keep Obama Inc. in business.

To date the Federal Reserve has added about $10 Trillion dollars to its balance sheet or to simplify; they are robbing Peter to pay Paul and as everyone knows that results in a sore Peter. Hey; you’d be mad too!

Still; that’s not the best part. Eddie Haskell, “A.K.A. Turbo Tax Tim” has unveiled his plan to remove the toxic assets on Wall Street. At the center of this scam is his, “public/private” partnership to purchase these assets and make the banking industry whole again. Timmy intends to, “loan” companies up to one $trillion dollars to purchase these dog derivatives, yet; here’s the best part. Companies do not have to pay the money back and if they ever show a profit in any future sale they get to keep it; if they sell these products at a loss, we’ll make it up. When I say we, I mean the taxpayer, “you and me folks”. All the while the Fed is printing currency at the speed of light.

As of today every household in America is indebted to China, the treasury, the Federal Reserve, Japan, India, Germany, and every banana republic on the planet for whopping $130,000.00 green backs. And; Obama keeps spending like he’s using other people’s money. Wait a minute…

Unmentioned by the Obamabots is our looming $65 trillion dollars in promised entitlements that, “when combined with our current spending spree” will make the 1930’s depression look like sunshine and lollipops.

When you think about it, “and I have” you realize that this couldn’t possibly be an accident; it just isn’t possible. In the face of the worst financial crisis to ever befoul the American economy, basket-ball Barry is adding red ink faster than we can manufacture it. $2 trillion dollars to destroy healthcare, $2 trillion dollars for cap and trade to fight non-existent global warming and $1.5 trillion dollars in expected costs to business when this idiot unionizes everyone from hookers to panhandlers. This can’t be accidental or explained as simple ancillary effects of social change. This foreign born radical is out to destroy this country.

A reminder; the great depression didn’t set upon this country after the crash of the stock market in 1929. Depressions are a lot like turtles, they are slow, but steady. They can take years to settle in. Though; when this one actually rears its head and the effects are dynamic throughout our economy remember this; Obama owns it, caused it and wanted it. I just hope those brain dead Obama voters are at the front of the soup kitchen line.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 25Mar09

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