Monday, March 16, 2009

I Love Ya Glenn... But...

I just know I’m going to be beaten up for this but… here goes. I’m giving Glenn Beck a B- for his touted, “We surround them” Friday show. That’s right fellow conservatives… get ready to fire up those e-mails to take me down a peg, yet; before you do… here me out.

The criteria I used in this grading curve included Glenn’s lack of specific cures, “save visiting his website” and his Oprahesque delivery. Don’t misunderstand; I’m a big fan of Glenn’s and held out great expectations for him and this movement he inspired. Yet; if he intends to lead a movement he should do more than tell Americans to educate themselves and their children. We conservatives have done this, and will continue to do so. So; in effect, Glenn was preaching to the choir and converting no one.

One more thing; and this really frost’s my flakes… I am sick and tired of hearing it’s not about Republicans, Democrats, Liberals or Conservatives. Dammit Glenn it is. This country is under assault, daily, by liberals in government, the media and loony Lilliputian leftist’s organizations as far as the eye can see. They are out to destroy this country and nothing short of a complete defeat of these socialist squirrels is acceptable. And, by the way; in case you haven’t noticed, they are out to defeat conservatism at every turn.

Most disturbing was Glenn’s solution to a problem he failed to identify. That being education, that we should educate ourselves and our children. Presciently I posit the following profundity; WHY?

Why must we teach economics and the constitution to our children? Why must we explain the divine inspiration of our founding documents? Why must we entertain our children with such inspirational stories as George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware and defeat of the Hessians, or Jefferson’s struggle with Slavery, Ben Franklin’s view that poverty should be made uncomfortable, enumerated powers and the tenth amendment or the voluminous evidence of manifest destiny and divine providence? Aren’t we over paying our educational system to do so?

This is where the rubber meets the road folks and this is where we as individual conservatives can bind together and really make a difference.

Up until the mid 1930’s the bible was a staple of discussion and literature in our classrooms. It wasn’t until the mid 1950’s that civics in the classroom was replaced by health, “or sex Ed”. Simple economics is an anathema to modern education, though, it hasn’t always been so.

This is where we lost this battle… in our local schools. For if Milton Freidman, Thomas Sowell, Walter William’s economics were taught in our schools not one single Democrat need ever be elected again. Were the true history of our founding, “along with its inspired documents” relayed in the classroom, Democrats would be scarcer than the Yeti. And, had within our classrooms the Holy bible we would truly be what Adam’s and Washington had hoped for us to be, “A religious and moral people”.

This is where we can act… beginning in our local schools, by electing school board members from our very ranks. By ignoring mandates from a federal bureaucracy that has usurped local authority and the powers provided to them in articles 1, 2 and 3. By ignoring the separation of church and state as one does not exists. By disallowing the fiats of an out of control Supreme Court that has abrogated the intent of our constitution and set themselves above the will of the people. We take back our country by making a stand, in our community, in our backyard. From there we go to our city representation and our state districts. We groom those outstanding conservatives in our midst. We nominate them, we work for them and we remind them that they not only work for us, they are us. We expand to our federal representation as now ours is a true movement. We primary recalcitrant Republicans and replace them with we the people. We get off our collective asses and take this damn thing back for it is our birthright. We get behind Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. We bleed for them; we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor for them. Not for their cult of personality but for their love of country and sacrament of fidelity to our constitution.

It won’t be easy; but, then freedom never is. Yet; we tread in the footstep of those great men who looked to the heavens and seen within them the face of God, Our God, that shed his grace on thee. For we stand on the shoulders of our founders and this one truism lends more righteousness to our cause than any observed by those that would see this country enslaved by the shackled of Socialism. His will be done.
Conservative Springfield Staff Writer 17 MARCH 09

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