Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This is Just Too Funny

I often wonder if democrats realize just what a laughing stock they have become. Think about it, as a humorist, is there a more target rich environment? But, most delightful is the all consuming schadenfreude we conservatives derive from laughing at them as they snobbishly assume we are laughing with them. To quote Rush; “we are having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have”.
Think about it; the democrats have foisted upon their legions pestilence, famine and misery and those great unwashed, leftward leaning dregs reply in unison, “thank you sir; may I have another”. It’s like watching Barney Fife make a citizens arrest.
You sometimes one has to wonder if democrat voters are suffering from beaten wife syndrome, call it beaten voter syndrome. Really, the voting predisposition for blacks in this country favors democrats nine to one, when history would suggest a polar opposite political persuasion in that demographic. After all, it was the northern republicans that fought against slavery. It was republicans that Lyndon Johnson turned to for support of civil rights legislation. That being the same Lyndon Johnson responsible for the war on poverty, by the way, how’s that going? I’ll give you a hint; visit any discount grocery on the third of any month and you can see for yourself. It’s disgusting. Had any other country did that to any minority living within our borders we would be at a state of war. Yet, the black community continues their incessant, incestuous marriage with those that have re-enslaved them. {Insert punch line here}
The recent financial collapse that will end western civilization is just the latest comedy directed by the DNC and targeted squarely at those they purport to care for, the poor and the elderly. Still, the AARP is the geriatric version of ACORN with fewer teeth and subsidized Viagra. That’s a knee slapper of guffaw proportion.
Democrats insert, “the children” into every postulate and proposal. After all, think of the children. All the while it is those same Leninist who have destroyed public education and squelched any attempt at privatization. And, of course, the teachers union responds by raising their union dues in order to greater finance the politicians that bent them over in the first place. Moe, Larry and Curly would be proud.
While a large majority of Jews routinely vote democrat it is those same democrats that have thwarted Israel’s right to crush their enemies with extreme prejudice. Hey, this is really a hoot; John Kerry enjoyed 70% of the Jewish vote in 2004. That’s just laugh out loud funny.
Most funny, at least for me, is the constant harping by Nitze neurotics about their support for the constitution while Charminizing it as toilet tissue and berating George Bush for following article two. Really, it’s Laverne and Shirley all over again.
Show me a problem and I will dust for the fingerprints of democrats every time. From Vietnam to Venezuela, a common denominator in all human endeavors is the presence of those rascally democrats.
As America is peering into the abyss and socializing our financial institutions take heart and enjoy, for it is the comedy of errors tickling our funny bone even as Rome burns. So, I say, let it all go to hell, let’s enjoy the collapse and revel in the discombobulating demise. For such is true and unassailable; when we re-visit 1860 and begin civil war two, those pinky waving Leninists loving laugh tracks will not be at war with civil blue blood republican senators that they have routinely romped. Oh no, they will be up against a much more formidable foe, that is we conservatives and here is the most prescient truisms ever posited; we practice the second amendment, with a vengeance.
Conservative Springfield 15 OCT 08

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