Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Thoughts

Considering the stakes and the current location of democrat v. republican fulcrum placement, the muscle belying my clavicle insist McCain/Palin is awarded the gold star in electoral mathematics. However, beguiling my heart is the electrical activity within my cranium, crackling the synopses with a greater static charge. For it is without undue modesty and self deprecation that I have gazed into the future and found it wanting. This confidence of credit, “care of the democrats” ensures that those clouds upon our fiscal horizon bear storms and tidings of monumental doom. Whosoever commands the rudder that is these several states, will face a head wind of biblical proportions and thus incur the wrath of its populace, in all measures of demographics. Why then, would thinking conservatives, purport to support the blighting of Sarah Palin by association with four years of pestilence and political purgatory? For those in the audience who might have matriculated insomuch and throughout our public schools, paying fraught attention to recess while endeavoring sublime sweet slumber midst the application of social studies let me be succinct. And, postulate a profundity; the next four years will require the electorate to bite the excrement sandwich and swallow it whole. Contrary to the will and entrepreneurial spirit of, “we the people” foisted upon America is the doom and gloom of a democrat inspired recession at best and a super depression at worst. This prescient posit is neither unassailable nor avoidable. It will be done. So, I would postulate this; why would we waste Sarah on a hold-em draw with all of our outs out? Of course, Barry is more than slightly left of Lenin and Marx and provided Mao se-Barry had the resources to tank these fruited plains I have no doubt he would Carter us into oblivion yet, see rule one of a recession. Empty coffers and rampant inflation will tie this media mogul into a bobble headed Bozo with Dumbo ears, unable to finance the convergence of fries with a coke. That’s right MacDonald’s, you owe me a residual, and I’ll take fries with that.
Where is the political profitability in mucking in the mire wherein snake eyes is considered the best outcome and a hard eight is the motets of our financial communion.
Nope, let the financial meltdown be hung upon the democrats as Karma would suggest and let it be smiling Sarah, “and hopefully Bobby Jindal” upon the pedestal to smite the Obama in 2012, God willing.

Those financial funksters supposedly fending off our financial ruin haven’t a clue as to economic principals and workings of commerce at large. Thankfully you have me; a veritable cornucopia of capital principals, also known as cash money. Fiducially, America has an entitlement crisis. I have one rock upon which to rest my sacred honor and it is a skipper upon the waters of these United States. From here to forward, seatbelts are not simply compulsory, nay, they are a rudiment to sanity and safety; for enlightenment bestowed is perceived as a Lincoln stuck on high beam barreling right at you. Let your conscience be your guide.
Let’s get started; social security will soon bankrupt this country and the recent Popsicle credit freeze has paralyzed our economy, making us all rub noses and wear parkas. This is so simple, credit conservatism, and…. my giant brain for the positive magnetic response to negative mercurial negativism, piled high and steaming like the dung it is.
There is a positive outcome, and, upon reflection, one takes from this fomented financial farce, focused fervently, feverishly, upon fresh faced fanatics is the folly forwarded by those few unable to comprehend the seemingly incomprehensible.
This is simple, even in the abstract. Banks need dough, cash, moullah, hey…even junk in the trunk. And, social security is vamping 30% of our budget. Again, buck up buckaroo, all is not lost or forgotten, for the answer is conservatism; as usual.
America is tethered to forty-seven million seasoned citizens via the social security lifeline. Since Chuck Hesston has removed Soylent Green as an option let us explore plan “B” and the brilliance of a fertile mind, un-tethered.
Stay with me here; instead of nationalizing our biggest banks by infusing them with liquidity in return for preferred stock; I.E. “ownership” let us take those forty-seven million recipients of SSI and make them rich. That’s right granny; you just hit the mother load. But, not so fast; before grandma tries to convert her dollars to cat food there is that pesky codicil. Jointly sharing her passbook is, “we the people” or everyone’s favorite uncle; Sam. Yup, it’s a joint account with rights of survivorship ingrained and accepted. So, in theory our SSI recipients have $500,000.00 in a joint account with Uncle Sam. At five percent interest Fred and Ethel will receive $25,000.00 per annum; a windfall much greater than current social security disbursements. Banks would receive $700 billion dollars, “in $500k deposits” virtually ending the credit crisis and producing a river of liquidity. America would detach SSI from its ledger for good and banks would so endow each recipient with five percent. Upon the certain death, “death is certain” the treasury would recoup that deposit, costing taxpayers zero. We get rid of federally funded social security forever and solve the credit crisis for good.
Yes, we would have continuing expenditures for those fifty and older yet; that output will be short lived. Those under fifty still have a SSI deduction, matched by their employer, and placed in several approved money market accounts. This essentially privatizes SSI while solving our credit woes at no cost to the taxpayer.
As usual; I await your applause and accolades.
Conservative Springfield 21 OCT 08

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