Monday, November 10, 2008

Conservatism Won !!

While socialist liberals are dancing in the streets upon the election of their messiah, “Barack the merciful” they seemingly miss a cogent, prescient point. Simply; conservatism won, it always does. Recently published exit polls confirm this truism. According to Rasmussen and his staff of capable scribes, 59% of voters agreed with the Reagan mantra; “Government is not the solution, government is the problem”. The same percentage held true on taxes and overwhelmingly felt Osama Obama would lower their taxes.

To me that posit is striking. Republicans have let the democrats steal the fiscal responsibility bone and bury it in Lilliputian liberal town. Yet, we have to take responsibility, “somewhat” for our candidate of choice. Let’s face a reality; a stark and harsh pragmatism. The Republican Party hasn’t produced a conservative leader since Ronald Reagan. Dubya slipped under our radar with that, “compassionate conservative” tripe and increased the federal bureaucracy with Medicare prescription drugs. And, lest we suborn recent history; conservatives must admit a failing. It is that we defended Bush, in earnest, only because the left assailed him. After all, it is more than apparent that he is not a dyed in the wool conservative and never was. Perhaps Sarah Palin is right; Bush is somewhat faulted for our current loss because of his stray from the tenets of conservatives, blighting the republican brand.

True, we did nominate and support a brain dead, immigration wielding un-willing idiot for the top of our ticket. Though, he did promulgate unto the national stage the next Reagan, in a dress, sporting an assault rifle.
Still, the postmortem is undeniably positive, though short term a gray pale has been cast on the American horizon. Obama, in the last two electoral months was cast a tax cutter; strictly a conservative principal. This right turn, “as it were” did cement in my most fertile cranium a constant, an imperative. On the naming of Sarah Palin the oxygen left the Obama campaign and forced this Marxists to Reaganism. So, after all, conservatism won, even if it was a lie.

Yet, draw close and hold dear these presents; conservatives have a farm team, back benchers to date, though, in 2012 two names will be called upon for our revival. They are Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. I suspect Mr. Reagan would approve.
Conservative Springfield 11 Nov 08

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