Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Top Myths Foisted Upon the Huddled Masses

The Top Myths Foisted Upon the Huddled Masses

Bill Clinton balanced the budget and left George Bush with a surplus Myth!

Yes; there was actually a balanced budget during the grey days of the Clinton era yet, it had little to do with Bill, or even Monica. Fact; Presidents do submit a budget to congress and routinely congress ignores it. The Presidential budget is merely a political straw dog. The house of Representatives, “per our constitution” is responsible for all legislation that would include spending; including our budget. When Newt Gingrich and the boys rode into town in 1994 Republicans assumed scribing of our Federal budget. Of course; Bill Clinton feared a balanced budget, “on the grounds that it was good for America” and promptly vetoed it, causing a shutdown of the Federal government. Clinton finally caved, signing the Republican balanced budget and later claimed it was He who actually balanced it. The other myth is that Bush came into office with a surplus. Not so skippy; this was simply fuzzy math, combining Social Security revenues with the general operating budget. There was never a surplus.

Roosevelt saved us From the Great Depression Myth!

Right again; it is a myth. The stock market crash of 1929 was caused in large part by, “you guessed it” a Kennedy. Joe Kennedy shorted, manipulated and so corrupted the markets as to single handedly crash the market. It was the fiscal and social engineering policies of Roosevelt that caused the depression. Another myth is that World War Two helped end the depression; it did not. America actually crawled out of the depression when pent up demand in the world markets exceeded supply. It’s as simple as that.

The Constitution abides a separation of church and state. Myth!

There is no such separation in our founding document. In our first amendment appears, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” what isn’t well known is that until the mid 1930’s churches operated all public schools and bible reading was mandated by several state constitutions.

Federal Authority over the States Myth!

Articles one, two and three, enumerated all constitutional, Federal authority. Those powers are to provide for a common defense, negotiate international treaties and to settle disputes in the arena of commerce between the several states. PERIOD! The tenth amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. Nuff Said.

Barack Obama is an American citizen Myth!

I report; you decide. Barry’s’ grandmother claims she was present at Obama’s birth; in Kenya. Obama has admitted to dual citizenship at one point in his life and his record of birth from the state of Hawaii can’t be found. To get a drivers license in this country you have to either present a birth certificate or sneak into this country illegally. Obama was allowed to walk into the highest office in the land without even a cursory look-see at his birth record. The plot thickens when you realize that it was impossible for his parents to have been legally married. Comrade Obama also claims he is now a Christian; yet more of an impossibility. It is know that Barry, as a lad, attended an Islamic school in Indonesia. To attend that school he would have been required to swear a fidelity to Mohamed, Islam and child rape. The penalty under Islamic law for a Muslim converting to Christianity is death. To date; not one Muslim cleric has called for such action.

Islam is a Religion Myth!

This is, “without a doubt” one of the greatest myths ever postulated. Islam is a cult. Mohamed was not a prophet or an inspiration to his people. Under Mohamed one either converted to Islam or died a painful death. Mohamed made an art form out of mutilation, child rape and mass murder. He was a Hitler without tanks, a Stalin without gulags and a huckster pseudo-prophet.

Darwinism is a Myth!

Not even the Huckster Darwin actually believed in evolution in his later years. Yet; his posit theorem lives on. The meaning to this, “supposed science” is nothing more, “or less” than a covert attack on religion. The pinheads that would have us believe that man has origins from a primordial soup discount a creator and posit the abstract notion that humans are simply hairless monkeys. To this I would promote; if we, “humans” derived from apes, why are there still apes? Liberals must discount a creator as to abide “or to acknowledge” one requires a moral code.

Abortion is a Right Myth!

In 1972 the United States Supreme Court found a “general right” to privacy in the constitution where one neither does exist. Read the constitution, “I have” it is nowhere to be found. What the Supreme Court did was to invent a specific right using “emanations of penumbras”. Which; is simply legal speak for the court legislating from the bench. Simply put, the court decided that the bedroom of adults is sacrosanct and cannot be invaded; after all the case before them hinged on birth control and conception. Yet; the bedroom is not inviolate. I.E., try murdering someone in your bedroom.

There is NO Proof that there is a God Myth!

Actually, this is a truism. There is no proof of God; yet, there is evidence. As it’s said; “A child’s birth is Gods acknowledgement that the world should continue”. Look into the night sky, a child’s face, the beauty of nature, our planets great oceans, our snowcapped mountains, mans compassion or any of the millions of planetary wonders. No, there isn’t absolute proof; there isn’t supposed to be. The most common denominator of Christianity is faith and for faith to be absolute there cannot be proof. But; there is evidence.

Our Rights Come From the Constitution Myth!

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Thomas Jefferson included that sentence in the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution, “or more specifically” the Bill of Rights protects those God given rights from government.

The Great Global Warming Myth!

For the past nine years the planet has been cooling. As such, The Global Warming Nazis have changed their nomenclature to, “Climate Change”. Our planet has experienced ice ages, periods of balmy weather and other such idiosyncrasies long before man turned the ignition key in our first SUV. Pay attention; the wizards of smart cannot even predict the weather accurately, seven days out. Yet these same idiots claim to have a monopoly on climate forecasts.

The Civil War was fought to end Slavery Myth!

Do your own investigation. What you’ll find is the states exhorting their constitutional authority over an oppressive federal government. In your search you’ll soon discover the, “Alien and Sedition act”, Federal intrusion into state government and the end of Federalism. A true search will compel you to ask? Why was America the only country on the planet to fight a war to end the scourge of slavery?

Conservative Springfield Staff Writer

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