Monday, November 17, 2008

Whatever the problem; Democrats created it

If within America there still resided a responsible news media, just admitting to being a democrat would be enough to get you tarred, feathered and railroaded out of town. Such vitriol would inhabit the populace were the unvarnished truth ever be told, en masse. I can safely postulate this premise knowing full well that were the electorate ever dutifully informed as to the depth of treachery visited on this country by democrats much of the democratic leadership would be hanging in the town square.

Take the current auto crisis of the big three. General Motors, for instance, is paying pensions and healthcare costs for 879,000 retirees and medical insurance benefits for 1.2 million family members. By the way, these are exorbitant costs for non-productive persons. And, as the saying goes, “hey, GM made these deals”. It isn’t as simplistic as that. I’m certain everyone with ears has heard health benefits were ingrained during the great American depression. The myth goes; There was a severe shortage of money so…to attract employees many companies offered healthcare benefits to compliment meager salaries. You’ve heard that, right? Well Joseph Lunchbox you’ve been scammed. Companies did not offer healthcare to employees before the great depression and only did during the depression because of wage and price controls instituted by that well known socialist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Employer sponsored medical insurance was practically thrust upon business under Roosevelt and with it, immediately, healthcare costs began to rise exponentially.

Yet, FDR had help in bringing American car companies to the brink. Democrats’ favorite target has always been corporate USA. Thanks to forty years of a Democrat controlled legislature, corporations pay the second highest corporate taxes in the world. Corporate federal tax is 35%, average state tax is 5%, thanks to compliance laws and regulatory restrictions, corporations spend 10% of their budgets on compliance. That’s 50% cost before they sell even one widget. And, the great unwashed wonders why manufacturing jobs have left this country. They left because of the left.

Democrats have routinely painted Wal-Mart as evil, greedy capitalists. They have promised to bankrupt the coal industry. They have taken an oath to dismantle our nuclear energy plants. They have accepted Japans extraordinary tariffs on U.S. automobiles while allowing million of Japanese cars into this country, tariff free. FYI, I blame Bush for this too. I mean really, we can’t upset the Japanese; they finance a great deal of our out of control federal spending.

Democrats have promised to get us off oil within ten years, even though, there is no reasonable replacement. They have blocked drilling for our domestic oil supplies. They have blocked the exploration of natural gas. Democrats have abdicated patriotism in favor of losing the war on terror. They have perpetrated a global warming hoax upon their constituencies designed to make carbon a commodity and enrich General Electric who, by the way, owns NBC and MSNBC, to news outlets considered the media wing of the Democrat party. Democrats got us into Vietnam, it took a Republican to kick Charlie’s ass and get a cease fire. Only to have it abrogated by a Democrat congress and communist expansionism. Democrats gave us the war on poverty, a $6 trillion transfer of wealth that rewarded failure and punished success.

Democrats gave us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a myriad of other social engineering behemoths that will soon bankrupt this nation. Democrats gave us the sub-prime lending program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; this being the sole indicters of the current collapse of markets around the world and most probably the end of western civilization. Democrats gave us Bill Clinton, well known huckster, seller of technology to our enemies and stainer of dresses. It is the left that divided this country by encouraging Al, “I created the internet” Gore to steal the election of 2000. Democrats gave us political correctness, insuring a stifling of free speech. Where it’s legal, and “soon to be everywhere”, Democrats gave us gay marriage, abortion, sex education, bibles out of public classrooms and Rosie O’Donnell. Democrats gave us September 11, 2001 by not engaging an enemy that had vowed our destruction.

It was the Democrats who gave us affirmative action in an attempt to right one wrong with another wrong. It was the Democrats who gave us an Islamic theocracy in Iran by not supporting the Shah, whom by the way, was our ally. It was the Democrats who gave us Jimmy Carter, who gave us 70% obscene marginal tax rates, 12% inflation, double digit unemployment, gas lines and 21% mortgage interest rates. It is the Democrats constantly attempting to erode our second amendment rights. It is the Democrats adulterating our first amendment with the reinstatement of the, “fairness doctrine”.

Perhaps you see my prescient posit; if it’s broken, Democrats probably broke it. This is why I fear so much for this country, my country. For the American electorate to elect any Democrat to an office in stature above that of a common dog catcher gives me pause and great trepidation. A French philosopher once said, upon observing the experiment that was a collection of these United States, “it is a fine republic with a fatal flaw, once the people realize they can vote themselves treasure all will fail”. And, finally, Democrats have rewarded failure and bought a full forty percent of the electorate with handouts and treasure; proving, that not all Frenchmen are idiots, contrary to public perception.
Conservative Springfield 18 NOV 08

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