Monday, November 24, 2008

I had a Dream

What’s more than obvious is this; when it comes to solving the financial meltdown, the inmates are running the asylum. It’s almost like high school kids are running the show and if the subject matter were not so serious it might be entertaining, to a degree. What we can ascertain is this truism; not one pencil pushing idiot in charge of this bailout has any idea what to do or when to do it. Perhaps we should have drafted doctors in this fiduciary endeavor as the first rule of medicine is, “do no harm”.
What the Federal Reserve, along with the treasury has done is to create a never ending line of corporate hobos, “tin can in hand” lined up around the block, waiting to get into the treasury soup kitchen. Though, it is fun to watch them grovel.

Look, as faithful readers you can attest to my humility and self deprecation. Can’t you? Still, having the solution to all life’s frailties and foibles, economic or otherwise, it is my moral imperative to shower knowledge upon those less synapsetic endowed.

Plus, this isn’t that hard. An economic collapse had to occur. True, the democrats shifted this bad boy into high gear with their, “oversight” of the evil twins; “Fannie and Freddie” yet, they only laid the inevitable on the American doormat. And, by the way, made millions doing it; thanks democrats. We owe you.

We’ve all heard of the rust belt, the diminishing industrial base, declining manufacturing. It’s really simple; we have driven industry out of this country. Blame the uncertain labor market, “unions”, the second highest corporate tax rates in the entire world, compliance regulations, environmental terrorists, college graduates whom aren’t smarter than a fifth grader wading into the labor pool, state tax rates, municipal tax rates, energy costs, health care costs, insurance costs, trial lawyers, OSHA, lazy employees and Miley Cirus. Gee, why wouldn’t a company want to do business here?

No, we have driven manufacturing out of this country and metamorphosed into a service economy, think dishwashers and waitresses. A full seventy percent of our GDP is based upon citizens purchasing goods and services that we don’t make here. We purchase products from India, China and Japan while borrowing the money to purchase these imports from India, China and Japan. These countries are loaning us the money to purchase their products thinking that someday we’ll be good for it. It’s the classic bend over and, “take the money” scheme.

It is untenable, unattainable, unsustainable, unprofitable and unwise. And, it can be repaired. Corporate taxes are merely a built in tax on consumerism. For the most part corporations build in that tax on their good or service, making American made products more expensive and unable to compete in the world marketplace. Combine the simple fact that we are the world’s largest consumers with the knowledge that companies want to make their products here, “shipping costs” it would seem that the square peg will fit in the round hole.

In the short term, government will have to do with less, a concept unknown to Washington proper. Were we to cut corporate taxes to, say…., zero, and cap capital gain tax at five percent, the entire industrial world would be beating down our door. Good jobs would ensue, the tax base would grow exponentially and the birds would again sing.
It is estimated that there is over $7 trillion dollars in offshore accounts waiting for opportunity. Ironically, that exact figure is what we have spent battling our economic woes. That surely worked out well; didn’t it? Still, Obama has one card; if he’ll play it.

Economist Christina Romer will be director his Council of Economic Advisors, which provides economic analysis and advice to the president. Christy is a supply sider; a brilliant economist and one tough broad. It makes me wonder how she finagled an appointment from the messiah. However, if his most merciful listens to this woman, “and ignores the advice of Larry Summers” the Conservative Springfield plan has a chance. Hey, we all know one thing; Obama knows as much about economics as Paris Hilton knows about wearing panties. He will have to rely on advisers. Frankly; I doubt Obama can do simple math.
Fair Points; Christina is also in favor of enforcing the up tick rule wherein short sellers can only dabble in markets with an upside, abolishing mark to market rules, naked shorts and whitey tighties.

So…….this could work. Provided Obama turns his back on the rabid left, slaps down the democratically controlled congress, snubs the press, ignores all but one of his economic advisers, puts Michelle back in the kitchen and gives up his political future. Also, he may have to take up smoking, again. Ah well, I guess I was dreaming.
Conservative Springfield 25 NOV 08

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Apocolypse

Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what you need to know.

It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of our economy is in full nose dive.

Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages but, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Through the halls of these evil twins passed $50 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages. These mortgages were explicitly given to unqualified buyers, bundled together in hundreds of billions of dollar packages and securities were sold around the world with the collateral being these toxic, worthless mortgages. All the while, Democrats fiddled, as the world burned. As these mortgages defaulted, the securities backed by them became worthless. Companies holding these securities, overnight had seen their balance sheets lose trillions. The financial markets went into freefall. As the tsunami swept through the financials credit markets froze. Industries hadn’t the ability to short term borrow. Major stock indexes tanked; oil futures spiraled and even deflation of macro commodities ensued. It turned out to be an excrement sandwich. And, it’s only begun. It will get biblical; trust me, I have predicted this all.

As expected, Democrats will bail out the car companies, insuring that they will indeed fail. This will spike unemployment into double digits and continue the domino sequential falling of economic indicators. While deflation will headline on the world stage, briefly, our most merciful government, under the messiah, “Barry O” massive capital infusions into the economy will rush, “fresh of the printing presses” into the economy, causing inflation percentages of 1000 percent; minimum. Prime Fed rates will approach 25% in an effort to curb inflation. The housing market will be destroyed, along with the seven or eight hundred businesses’s relying on it.

A world wide depression will ensue. Yet, it will be a gradual decline; much like easing into a too hot bathtub. At the height of the second great depression America will have a 70% unemployment rate. Most workers, “still employed” will be employed by the government. There will be a 30% homeless rate and the end of western civilization will be at hand. In the first great depression America was much more rural, more self sufficient. Today we are more urban, more dependent on government, more hapless. We’ve lost that rugged individualism that our founders embodied and this nation was born with. We are spoiled, rich and sassy; unable to hunt, to fish, to grow our own food.
Still, pause and reflect if you will, for in every calamity there is a teachable moment. Perhaps, just perhaps, as the phoenix rises from the ashes, whenever that future time is, it will be ingrained into the American psyche and told around the campfires dotted across these fruited plains. Liberalism is not tenable, it never was.
Conservative Springfield 20 NOV 08

Monday, November 17, 2008

Whatever the problem; Democrats created it

If within America there still resided a responsible news media, just admitting to being a democrat would be enough to get you tarred, feathered and railroaded out of town. Such vitriol would inhabit the populace were the unvarnished truth ever be told, en masse. I can safely postulate this premise knowing full well that were the electorate ever dutifully informed as to the depth of treachery visited on this country by democrats much of the democratic leadership would be hanging in the town square.

Take the current auto crisis of the big three. General Motors, for instance, is paying pensions and healthcare costs for 879,000 retirees and medical insurance benefits for 1.2 million family members. By the way, these are exorbitant costs for non-productive persons. And, as the saying goes, “hey, GM made these deals”. It isn’t as simplistic as that. I’m certain everyone with ears has heard health benefits were ingrained during the great American depression. The myth goes; There was a severe shortage of money so…to attract employees many companies offered healthcare benefits to compliment meager salaries. You’ve heard that, right? Well Joseph Lunchbox you’ve been scammed. Companies did not offer healthcare to employees before the great depression and only did during the depression because of wage and price controls instituted by that well known socialist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Employer sponsored medical insurance was practically thrust upon business under Roosevelt and with it, immediately, healthcare costs began to rise exponentially.

Yet, FDR had help in bringing American car companies to the brink. Democrats’ favorite target has always been corporate USA. Thanks to forty years of a Democrat controlled legislature, corporations pay the second highest corporate taxes in the world. Corporate federal tax is 35%, average state tax is 5%, thanks to compliance laws and regulatory restrictions, corporations spend 10% of their budgets on compliance. That’s 50% cost before they sell even one widget. And, the great unwashed wonders why manufacturing jobs have left this country. They left because of the left.

Democrats have routinely painted Wal-Mart as evil, greedy capitalists. They have promised to bankrupt the coal industry. They have taken an oath to dismantle our nuclear energy plants. They have accepted Japans extraordinary tariffs on U.S. automobiles while allowing million of Japanese cars into this country, tariff free. FYI, I blame Bush for this too. I mean really, we can’t upset the Japanese; they finance a great deal of our out of control federal spending.

Democrats have promised to get us off oil within ten years, even though, there is no reasonable replacement. They have blocked drilling for our domestic oil supplies. They have blocked the exploration of natural gas. Democrats have abdicated patriotism in favor of losing the war on terror. They have perpetrated a global warming hoax upon their constituencies designed to make carbon a commodity and enrich General Electric who, by the way, owns NBC and MSNBC, to news outlets considered the media wing of the Democrat party. Democrats got us into Vietnam, it took a Republican to kick Charlie’s ass and get a cease fire. Only to have it abrogated by a Democrat congress and communist expansionism. Democrats gave us the war on poverty, a $6 trillion transfer of wealth that rewarded failure and punished success.

Democrats gave us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a myriad of other social engineering behemoths that will soon bankrupt this nation. Democrats gave us the sub-prime lending program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; this being the sole indicters of the current collapse of markets around the world and most probably the end of western civilization. Democrats gave us Bill Clinton, well known huckster, seller of technology to our enemies and stainer of dresses. It is the left that divided this country by encouraging Al, “I created the internet” Gore to steal the election of 2000. Democrats gave us political correctness, insuring a stifling of free speech. Where it’s legal, and “soon to be everywhere”, Democrats gave us gay marriage, abortion, sex education, bibles out of public classrooms and Rosie O’Donnell. Democrats gave us September 11, 2001 by not engaging an enemy that had vowed our destruction.

It was the Democrats who gave us affirmative action in an attempt to right one wrong with another wrong. It was the Democrats who gave us an Islamic theocracy in Iran by not supporting the Shah, whom by the way, was our ally. It was the Democrats who gave us Jimmy Carter, who gave us 70% obscene marginal tax rates, 12% inflation, double digit unemployment, gas lines and 21% mortgage interest rates. It is the Democrats constantly attempting to erode our second amendment rights. It is the Democrats adulterating our first amendment with the reinstatement of the, “fairness doctrine”.

Perhaps you see my prescient posit; if it’s broken, Democrats probably broke it. This is why I fear so much for this country, my country. For the American electorate to elect any Democrat to an office in stature above that of a common dog catcher gives me pause and great trepidation. A French philosopher once said, upon observing the experiment that was a collection of these United States, “it is a fine republic with a fatal flaw, once the people realize they can vote themselves treasure all will fail”. And, finally, Democrats have rewarded failure and bought a full forty percent of the electorate with handouts and treasure; proving, that not all Frenchmen are idiots, contrary to public perception.
Conservative Springfield 18 NOV 08

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barry, the Constitution and Two Ply

Since Obama abdicated honesty by claiming to be the tax slasher and defender of the universe apparently he, “and his ilk” are attempting to double down; gut shoot the inside straight and blanket themselves in constitutional credence. Honestly, this takes more cajones than an elephant about to mount Rosie O’Donnell. Gee, even that picture makes me somewhat ill.

For those of us paying attention to the Obama instead of gushing homage we’ve noticed a call from the chosen one and his supporters to a return to the constitution and those founding principals abiding within the text. To the huddled masses chanting, “yes we can” this communal soliloquy might fly yet, for we in the top ten percent, firing over 90% of neurons along our synapsetic highway this is the epitome of lipstick on a pig.

Conservatives read our constitution much as liberals read a wine list with pinky finger outstretched. We know it, we get it and we are consumed by it. We believe it to be sacrosanct and unassailable. To we, the people, it is an inspired document of divine genesis. For liberals it is merely two ply on a scroll.

We have witnessed testimony, wherein posited profundities postulated that his holiest Barack conjoined with the ACLU, will end the transgression of Bush II and restore constitutionality to these amber waves of grain upon which God shed his grace. Oh really?

The ACLU was founded by a Communist, with communist ideals, communist goals, and they continue to impose a Communist like agenda on America daily. The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly… “My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself, I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”
This revelation on its face would be, “in all intellectual circles” game, set and match. Yet, draw near and prepare to be dazzled with this soon to be award winning composition, for in this endeavor, with talent on loan from Rush, I draw inspiration from the almighty and have only just begun.
Federal Judge Phyllis Hamilton, “a Clinton appointee” recently upheld a ruling requiring seventh-grade students to pretend they're Muslims, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Quran, pray to Allah and even to play "jihad games" in California public schools.(WND)

The ACLU has refused to comment on the ruling except to say they find, “nothing actionable” in the ruling. Translation: the ACLU doesn’t have a problem with it. If California public schools were requiring students to memorize Bible verses the ACLU would have lawyers kicking down the school doors and would be all over local school boards like Rosie O’Donnell on a baked ham. You just know they would.

In 1989 the ACLU began a crusade to remove the Mount Soledad Cross located in the center of a Korean War Memorial in San Diego, California. The Cross was erected in 1954. While continuing a battle to have the Cross removed they have defended Muslims who have demanded, “Foot Basins” in airports, football stadiums and other public places. Foot Basins are used by Muslims in preparation for prayer. "Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?" said an airport official who requested anonymity. "Why are we catering to their rituals? We don't do it for any other religion."(WND) As Christians, let’s ask airport officials for a chapel and see how long it takes for the ACLU to come to our aid. Waiting……….waiting……..

While absolutely berating pharmacists, who, “because of religious convictions” have refused to sell “Levonelle”, commonly referred to as the morning after pill. The ACLU defends Muslim taxi drivers who have refused to carry passengers who have been drinking alcohol or possess alcohol. The ACLU has even gone as far as to defend the rights of Muslim taxi drivers to refuse to carry blind patrons who avail themselves of a Seeing Eye dog. The Islamic religion considers dogs unclean. If Timmy’s in the well does it matter if Lassie has had a bath? In a related case, it wasn’t a surprise when the ACLU came to the defense of Muslims employed at Target stores who refused to scan pork products. Got Bacon?

At this point I imagine liberal foreheads to be throbbing and I know just how to push them over the edge. Abortion, utter the word and liberals go running for a soapbox. In 1973 the United States Supreme Court found a right to privacy in the constitution where one did not exist. Since then over 40 million abortions have been performed. Abortion angers conservatives on two fronts. We believe abortion to be immoral and an adulteration of our constitution.

The ACLU, “with a nod from the courts” has taken abortion out of the public debate, “or so they thought” and relegated this most important decision to nine justices and not to the people. Now, the ACLU is going after the tax exempt status of churches who dare speak out against abortion on moral grounds, calling such speech political. In 1987, the ACLU Foundation and the New York Civil Liberties Union filed an amicus brief in support of Abortion Rights Mobilization to secure standing in a suit challenging the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was charged with violating its tax-exempt status by taking a stand against abortion. This is important and deserving of explanation. First the ACLU takes a pro-abortion stance and asks for judicial relief insomuch as abortion is a legal question to be removed from the political debate. After a Supreme Court affirmation of this argument the ACLU reverses itself and makes the wild claim that abortion is a political topic and those who would engage in the abortion debate are involved in political speech. That takes chutzpah folks.
The evidence is overwhelming and I could continue to list it for days. The ACLU is anti-Christianity and anti-American. There can be no other conclusion and those who would argue differently are either an order of French fries short of a happy meal of need to have their medications refilled.

Now; as to liberals suddenly drawing a bright red line as to constitutionality, this is just too damn easy, really it is. If you are a liberal with asthma, get your inhaler. If you’re a leftist alcoholic, get your ripple. And, if you’re Oprah, go shopping; you won’t understand this.

Article one, two and three provides for all federal powers allowed to our most benevolent government. {Sarcasm Mine} In little words, for you liberal little people those powers are these; provide for a common defense, negotiate international treaties and lastly, to settle disputes between the states in the arena of commerce. Period! To simplify; all of these sanctimonious social engineering programs exalted by Barry don’t pass the smell test or any constitutional one. Sorry, you anti-Zionist Zombies, you lose. Better luck next time. But hey, thanks for playing.
Conservative Springfield 13 Nov 08

Monday, November 10, 2008

Conservatism Won !!

While socialist liberals are dancing in the streets upon the election of their messiah, “Barack the merciful” they seemingly miss a cogent, prescient point. Simply; conservatism won, it always does. Recently published exit polls confirm this truism. According to Rasmussen and his staff of capable scribes, 59% of voters agreed with the Reagan mantra; “Government is not the solution, government is the problem”. The same percentage held true on taxes and overwhelmingly felt Osama Obama would lower their taxes.

To me that posit is striking. Republicans have let the democrats steal the fiscal responsibility bone and bury it in Lilliputian liberal town. Yet, we have to take responsibility, “somewhat” for our candidate of choice. Let’s face a reality; a stark and harsh pragmatism. The Republican Party hasn’t produced a conservative leader since Ronald Reagan. Dubya slipped under our radar with that, “compassionate conservative” tripe and increased the federal bureaucracy with Medicare prescription drugs. And, lest we suborn recent history; conservatives must admit a failing. It is that we defended Bush, in earnest, only because the left assailed him. After all, it is more than apparent that he is not a dyed in the wool conservative and never was. Perhaps Sarah Palin is right; Bush is somewhat faulted for our current loss because of his stray from the tenets of conservatives, blighting the republican brand.

True, we did nominate and support a brain dead, immigration wielding un-willing idiot for the top of our ticket. Though, he did promulgate unto the national stage the next Reagan, in a dress, sporting an assault rifle.
Still, the postmortem is undeniably positive, though short term a gray pale has been cast on the American horizon. Obama, in the last two electoral months was cast a tax cutter; strictly a conservative principal. This right turn, “as it were” did cement in my most fertile cranium a constant, an imperative. On the naming of Sarah Palin the oxygen left the Obama campaign and forced this Marxists to Reaganism. So, after all, conservatism won, even if it was a lie.

Yet, draw close and hold dear these presents; conservatives have a farm team, back benchers to date, though, in 2012 two names will be called upon for our revival. They are Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal. I suspect Mr. Reagan would approve.
Conservative Springfield 11 Nov 08

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are now France

Ever wonder why the French wear white underwear? In case they have to surrender quickly, they’ll be ready. Well America, with the election of a tried and true radical socialist it’s safe to say we’re French toast.

Who would have thought that the continent inhabited by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson would turn into such a sniveling, spoiled, politically correct, spine incontinent, needy stepchild of King George the 8Th, this land of Daniel Boone, the Alamo, Pearl Harbor and the great westward migration.

A land founded upon rugged individualism, entrepreneurial activism, great inventions and freedom; this country born by patriots, strong and devout men, rigid morals and love of God. A place where country placed ahead of self and self interest. A continent rigidly clinging to the American neighborhood from coast to coast.

The one nation not afraid of its government but having the government afraid of its people. The one peoples not dependent upon government but constantly in avoidance of it. The nation most responsible for spreading freedom throughout the world. Home of those brave souls whom told a powerful King, “No More”. The country that sacrificed hundreds of thousands of its own citizenry to scour from its founding parchment the stain that was slavery.

And yet, on November fourth, 2008, this great land surrendered its constitution, its freedoms and its sovereignty for the treasure promised to the forty seven million of Americans choosing to abide the transference of wealth along with twenty million useful idiots. It’s striking to me, how this nation that defeated Nazi Germany, imperialist Japan and the evil empire would now bow at the feet of those enemies once so roundly dispatched. Yet, the deed is done.

The tide has come and gone. In one day America has surrendered what so many have died to protect and has done so exuberantly, with great fanfare and glee. History will long remember that day, November 4Th, 2008 as the day freedom on this planet became something whispered of, a flash of remembrance and as an appendix; removed and forgotten. Still, in the heart of patriots breathe will quicken at that whisper and hands will tighten upon pitchforks as that is their nature, their shared inheritance. In a word; our gift from God.
Conservative Springfield 05 NOV 08

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why the polls are wrong!

It’s easy to get caught up in these wildly inflated presidential polls; that is, until they are explained and analyzed. First, one must understand the Barack Yo’Mama’s campaign strategy and all that it entails. Barack, “his most merciful” is employing the only two stratagems available to him; race and inevitability. His surrogates spend as much time gilding the American demographic as racist bigots were they not to worship at the holy alter of the messiah as Paris Hilton has spent without panties. However, the chosen one’s most lethal, “lethal is apt” weapon of strategy is the campaigns posit that this election is a fait accompli. And, with his accomplices in the media, positioned by ACORN, most polling data would confirm this juggernaut in a massive electoral coup. By the way, “coup” is apt also.

But, not so fast Barry. Many of we the people have more than a modicum of mental acumen. That’s right bubby; we’re on to you like Oprah on a baked ham. We’ve put two and two together and it ain’t five you mental midget. Now we know why ACORN has a symbiotic relationship with the Democratic Party and also the reason democrats have funded ACORN with our tax dollars. More specifically; “funding of $15 billion dollars in the last thirty years”. For the Native Americans in the audience, that’s a lot of wampum.
Election fraud is but an ancillary cherry on the sundae, polling is the target.

Polling 101; polls are weighted using mathematic algorisms dependent upon registered voters. In English, for democrats hanging on my every written word, let me simplify. Suppose in a state that registered democrats outnumber register republicans two to one. Poll takers then, “weight” their samples by two to one in favor of democrats. Meaning, they poll democrats two times as much as they poll republicans. Get the picture pappy?

Resulting in, “you guessed it” wildly inflated democrat margins. ACORN registering the Dallas Cowboys and Mickey Mouse is finally making sense. Just so you know; Mickey is a democratic rodent, much like Barack, the socialist squirrel. To quote the big guy; Rush Limbaugh, a squirrel is a rat with better P.R.

ACORN has registered millions of democrat rubes across these fruited plains resulting in skewed polls assailing the electorate of a left leaning tsunami about to drown us all. Don’t believe it for a second and up to date election results bear this out. In California, “land of the fruits and nuts” early voting has democrats and republicans represented in equitable numbers. Again, IN CALIFORNIA! In Florida, early voting exit polls predict a trouncing of Ayatollah Abama and a swearing in of vice president Sarah Palin.

Barry Barack is hell bent on overwhelming voters as to his inevitability thus, “he hopes” demoralizing republican purple thumbs and keeping the turnout low. It is his only chance. Yet, the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench, and the hair in the soup is this; Obama has descended from on high and done his damnable best to convince those great unwashed that he is the savior. That he was brought forth into this world from a virgin birth. That he is Christ himself. Yet, at his peril he takes for granted this simple truism; our Bibles are plentiful and nowhere in that sacred book does it mention him. Palin wins, the country wins and Obama runs against Putin for the Russian presidency in 2012. Nuff Said.
Conservative Springfield 03 NOV 08